Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to pop on for a few and tell all of you Happy Halloween! I'm not sure if I'll get to go out Trick or Treating with my little ones tonight seeing as both of them are really sick, but I'm still going to have a good day and night with both of them.  

I hope you all have a great day and night as well.  


Monday, October 29, 2012

Review: Kingdom by Anderson O'Donnell

Review: Kingdom by Anderson O'Donnell

IN A GLANCE: A trilling dystopian story!

Title:  Kingdom
Author: Anderson O'Donnell
Publisher:  Tiber City Press
Format: Ebook PDF
Pages:  252 pages
ASIN #:  B0085DY50A

Authors WebsiteGoodreadsBuy This
In a secret laboratory hidden under the desert, a covert bioengineering project—codename “Exodus”—has discovered the gene responsible for the human soul. Somewhere in the neon sprawl outside the nation’s collapsing economic core, a group of renegade monks are on the verge of uncovering a secret that has eluded mankind for centuries. In a glittering tower high above the urban decay, an ascendant U.S. Senator is found dead—an apparent, yet inexplicable, suicide. And in the streets below, a young man races through an ultra modern metropolis on the verge of a violent revolution….closing in on the terrible truth behind Exodus—and one man’s dark vision for the future of mankind. Welcome to Tiber City

Kingdom by Anderson O'Donnell Tour

I'm really excited about this post, sorry its so late.  Today, I have a great blog tour for you all with a great review of this fantastic book.  So let's get to it.  

About the Book:

From the Back Cover


Kingdom is a thrill-a-minute, bio-punk myth that manages to wrestle with the most pressing issues of the new millennium. O'Donnell has crafted a kickass novel of tomorrow night, when the big party gets raided by the monsters we've been building for the last half-century. Hip and hellish, wild and weird, Tiber City is the dystopian megalopolis into which we will all soon move--whether we know it or not.

"A taut, brilliantly conceived thriller with impeccable pacing bursting with ideas...For fans of noir-laden science fiction in the vein of Philip K. Dick that is in equal measures suspenseful, gripping, darkly funny and philosophically challenging." (starred review)

-Kirkus Reviews

"Toss William Gibson, Andrew Vachss and David Fincher into the Petri dish, irradiate them, then infuse the result with Transylvanian meth, and you'll have some sense of what O'Donnell has concocted."

-Jack O'Connell, author of Box Nine and The Resurrectionist

"There simply aren't enough stars to communicate the impressiveness of O'Donnell's work here. He has taken religion, science, politics, theory and philosophy and blended them all together to create what is easily one of the most important books to come out this year."

- Pavarti K. Tyler, Fighting Monkey Press & author of Shadow on the Wall

It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Journey!

So I'm finally feeling better, yay! So its back to blogging and talking books with all of you.  I have gotten some great reading finished in the past couple of weeks though, so let's get down to it shall we.

Last Week I Read... 

Today I Plan To Read... 


In a dark underground cell, Morgan Montgomery waits to die. A member of the Ikati, an ancient tribe of shape-shifters, Morgan stands convicted of treason. And Ikati law clearly spells out her fate: death to all who dare betray.

But there is a glimmer of hope. Thanks to her friendship with Jenna, the new queen of the Ikati, Morgan has one last chance to prove her loyalty. She must discover and infiltrate the headquarters of the Expurgari, the Ikati’s ancient enemy, so they can be destroyed once and for all. The catch? She has only a fortnight to complete her mission and will be accompanied by Xander Luna, the tribe's most feared enforcer. If Morgan fails, her life is forfeit. Because Xander is as lethal as he is loyal, and no one—not even this beautiful, passionate renegade—will distract him from his mission. But as the pair races across Europe into the heart of Italy, the attraction blooming between them becomes undeniable. Suddenly more than justice is at stake: so is love.

Sensual, thrilling, and action-packed, Edge of Oblivion will enthrall readers with nail-biting suspense and heart-pounding passion.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Review: Millicent Marie Is Not My Name by Karen Pokras Toz

Review: Millicent Marie Is Not My Name by Karen Pokras Toz

IN A GLANCE: A fantastic Children's book

Title: Millicent Marie Is Not My Name
Author: Karen Pokras Toz
Publisher: Grand Daisy Press
Format: Ebook (ARC)
ISBN #:  0984860851

Authors WebsiteGoodreadsBuy This
Twelve-year-old Millicent Marie does not like her name. After all, she was named for a woman who died more than fifty years ago and was not the most loveable member of the Harris family. Her friends call her Millie, but when she writes in her diary she refers to herself as Amanda – the name she always wished she had. When Millie’s younger brother finds her diary on her computer, he decides to publish it as a blog for the entire world to see, including the boy Millie has a crush on. In the midst of all the mayhem, Millie/Amanda discovers she is suddenly Springside Elementary’s most sought after sixth-grade mystery gossip and advice columnist. But not all is fun and games, as Millie quickly learns, once she realizes feelings are at stake. Nobody, least of all Millie, expects things to turn out as they do in this tale of friendship and respect.

Blog Tour: Millicent Marie Is Not My Name Guest Post and Giveaway

Today, I had the great pleasure of chatting with this incredible author, now I get to post a amazing guest post from her.  Below you will find this guest post and get to know this author as well. I also have a review for this book as well to share with you, so sit back and read on.  

On Writing: When Art Imitates Life

Whenever I write a new character, people always ask – is he/she based on your own children?

As you may know, my newest character, Millicent Marie of Millicent Marie Is Not My Name is a twelve-year-old sixth grader. I happen to have a twelve-year-old daughter. When I wrote Millicent Marie Is Not My Name, my daughter was in sixth grade.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Blog Tour: The Perfect Clone by M.L. Stephens Excerpt

BB Book Tours

Today, I have a great blog tour for you all, The Perfect Clone by M.L. Stephens.  I have an except of this great book for you all.


The Perfect Clone
Book One 
M. L. Stephens


The tangled hunk of metal resembled macabre art that had been brutally lodged into an oak tree rather than the automobile it had once been. Broken shards of glass sparkled against blue and red flashing police lights. 

Lying on the asphalt, covered with a blue sheet, was the body of a man. How she knew that she wasn’t sure, she just knew, but wasn’t interested. Her focus was on someone else. 

The EMT’s and police were too busy gaining control of the situation to notice the curious by-stander who’d slid past the barriers. Laura crept over to the paramedics as they rapidly worked to revive the female victim they’d pulled from the wreckage. Despite a deep revulsion to death, Laura was mesmerized.

Blood that once warmly circulated in the woman’s veins had brutally escaped, forming into puddles on the dark pavement.

Hues of death colored the victim’s skin; skin that had once been rosy. Dark red liquid gelled into a glue-like substance on the woman’s face. Hair that had been meticulously fashioned earlier in the evening was caked with hardened sludge. The woman’s crimson evening gown was ripped open in the front, allowing the paramedics to do their work.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Review: Deception Peak by Dianne Gardner

Review: Deception Peak by Dianne Gardner

IN A GLANCE: Exciting and a great adventure.

 Title: Deception Peak
Author: Dianne Gardner
Publisher: Hydra Publications
Saga: The Ian's Realm Saga #1
Format: Ebook
ISBN #: 0615679709

Authors WebsiteGoodreadsBuy This
Teenage Ian Wilson follows his father through a portal into a deceptively beautiful Realm, where horses run free, the wind sings prophetic melodies, and their computer avatars come to life. But separation from his father puts Ian in peril as he’s abducted by a tribe of dragon worshipers and forced to find his courage. As he struggles for his freedom and embarks on a perilous search for his father, Ian meets the true peacekeepers of the Realm and learns of a greater purpose for his being in there.

Blog Tour: Deception Peak Promo and Giveaway

Hey everyone, I hope you all are doing great! Today I have a great blog tour for you, Deception Peak by author Dianne Gardner.

I will be posting this promo post and then my review of this fabulous book! I'm so excited to share my thoughts on it with you all so let's get to it.

About the Author

Dianne Lynne Gardner is both an author and illustrator. She’s an active member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and the National League of American Pen Women. She has written Young Adult Fantasy novels as well as articles for national magazines and newspapers and she is an award winning artist. Dianne spent many years living out in the desert wilderness of the American Southwest, lived in a hogan made from adobe and cedar for thirteen years, co-owned 25 horses both pure bred and Native American ponies, traveled horseback and by wagon throughout the Navajo reservation, herded sheep and goat, worked in the forest planting trees and piling, farmed on barren soil and even lived in a teepee for a short while. She spent many long years using survival skills as a way of life. Later she studied pastoral counseling and was a Pastor’s apprentice at a mainline church. She and her husband have been feeding the homeless for over twelve years. Today she draws both her survival experiences and her love for people, especially young people, into her writing seeking not only to give her readers a firm understanding of her stories’ characters, but a rich appreciation of nature.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Review: Iridescent by Carol Oates

Review: Iridescent by Carol Oates

IN A GLANCE: Very well paced and very different from the usual Angel book.

Title: Iridescent (Ember #2)
Author: Carol Oates
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Format: PDF
ISBN #: 9781623429034

Authors WebsiteGoodreadsBuy This
Candra Ember used to dream of saving the world one person at a time. She never expected to become an angelic weapon and the last hope in the battle against ultimate darkness. Falling for a Nephilim wasn’t part of Sebastian’s plan. Distraction is something he can’t afford when his rival, Draven, wants what Sebastian has. Lies, manipulation, and corruption are twisting the lives of the citizens in Acheron. The Arch is missing from Heaven, and a demon is intent on claiming the city. At a time they should be growing closer, grief and paranoia is driving Candra and Sebastian apart. If the price of restoring the Watchers to Heaven is a human soul, who deserves to be saved?

Review: Ember by Carol Oates

Review: Ember by Carol Oates

IN A GLANCE: Ember is not very predictable, its one very surprising book!

Title: Ember (Ember #1)
Author: Carol Oates
Publisher: Ominific Publishing
Pages: 237 Pages
Format: PDF (Ebook)
ISBN #: 1936305844

Authors WebsiteGoodreadsBuy This
When Candra Ember wakes up in hospital after a dangerous encounter with a red-haired woman, she is shocked to discover that seeing a winged boy wasn’t her imagination. Candra is exposed to a world of rivalry and sacrifice she never knew existed, and the aftermath of a war to save humanity thousands of years ago. Soon she finds herself relentlessly stalked by Sebastian, a beautiful and arrogant Watcher Angel and romantically pursued by his darkly seductive rival, Draven. Ultimately, dubious about her own goodness, Candra’s very existence compromises a tentative peace in the city of Acheron.

Blog Tour: Iridescent by Carol Oates

Today I'm very excited to be a part of the Iridescent blog tour.  I will be posting a review for both of the books in this series, including the newest Iridescent.  I also have a giveaway for this tour as well and guess what its international YAY!! 

So let's get started...Reviews to come shortly!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm sick...Small Break!

Hey everyone, *waves* I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to post lately.  I have been sick and in the hospital as well, having tests done.  As of right now they have no idea exactly why I'm in so much pain.  So, with me being sick and not really able to do much, I'm going to put the blog on a little small break.  The only things that will be posted are the ones that are already scheduled and a few other blog tours that I said I would be doing as well.

I really hate to do this, but I will be reading and writing up some reviews while I'm down, so when I get back I will have so much for you all.  I'm not exactly sure how long this small break will be, more than likely a week or two and if I can make it shorter I will defiantly do that.  I miss this blog already, so keep your fingers crossed that I can make it really short and they can figure out  whats going on. 

Thanks for the support!


Monday, October 8, 2012

It's Monday...What are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Journey!

Well again, I have been nonstop and haven't gotten much reading finished.  But this week, that is going to be different! My plan for this week is below. 

This Week I'm Going To Read

Crown Phoenix: Night Watchman Express.

 Orphaned Miriam has always been terrified by the sound of THE NIGHT WATCHMAN EXPRESS as it hurtles by her house. The sound of the train gives her nightmares of an underground factory, and a laboratory where brutal experiments take place.

During the day she has very different problems. Her new guardians, the Marchpanes, have arrived with their son, Simon, to live in Miriam's house. The Marchpanes are plotting to take over her dead father's business.

As they are both strong willed and stubborn, Miriam and Simon develop an instant dislike for each other. They have to work together, however, in order to solve the mystery of what the Marchpanes are doing with Miriam's inheritance.

As they come closer to learning the truth, Miriam is kidnapped and put on THE NIGHT WATCHMAN EXPRESS, and Simon must try to rescue her. In doing so, he will have to confront his own parents and the evil forces behind them.

But as he tries to help Miriam, he is captured. Simon is put in a strange, luxurious prison, where his jailers are as hauntingly beautiful as they are dangerous.

As THE NIGHT WATCHMAN EXPRESS arrives at its destination, Miriam comes to the shocking realization that her nightmares about the subterranean factory and the dark laboratory were not just dreams.

What she always feared more than anything is going to come true.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog Tour: Healing the Faith Guest Post with Michele Richard

Today, I have author Michele Richard with is here on Ali's Bookshelf with a great glimpse into whats to come for Mocked by Faith Series.

Another Mocked by Faith book in the works?

Yes! It's true! Affirming the Faith is now complete and in the editing process. Some people thought it might end at the end of Mocked by Faith - Healing the Faith, but that was not the case.

Some fans have asked how do you know how many books will be in a series and how do you know when to stop. Both good questions.

I never know how many will be in the series until the story is complete.

When do you split a book?

That one is easier to answer. My editor tells me. It's okay you can laugh. Doesn't make it any less true.

Mocked by Faith was supposed to be one book. Due to the climaxes, chapter counts, and length it was cut — twice.

Yes, I never saw that one coming. I just poured my heart into it and when it was done, I couldn't be prouder of it. The series has been one of my favorites to create.

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