Title: The Outsiders
Author: S.E. Hinton
Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell
Pages: 156
Source: Book (paperback from my collection)
Written over forty years ago, S. E. Hinton's classic story of the struggle between the Socs and the Greasers remains as powerful today as it was the day it was written, and it is taught in schools nationwide. Now available in a great new package with an improved trim size, a stunning new cover, and bonus material. Designed with classroom use in mind, the new edition will maintain the same pagination as the previous edition.
This is one book that I have read and reread over and over and over again. I love this book with a passion that shines through me every time I read it. Every time I do read it I end up loaning it out to someone so they can read it as well. There are some great characters in this book that I fell in love with the first time I read it and still love to this day. But I'm getting ahead of myself a bit.
The way S.E Hinton writes this epic novel will capture you and keep you within its grasp till you finish the last page. Once you do you will look back down at the book and speak one word WOW. This book is one that I had to read in high school. One that held me in my place, something that back then didn't happen very often due to my very busy schedule. The names of the characters alone will have you smiling and wondering what kind of person this would be.
This amazing book was turned into a movie and it actually almost did it justice. (It came pretty close lol)
Just look at the actors in it and tell me you wouldn't sit there and watch every second of the movie lol. I loved how the characters of this beautifully written book came to life on the screen.
But back to the book and the characters....
Pony Boy Curtis, is the main boy of this book, he is telling the story pretty much. He is a Greaser, one of the guys from the wrong side of the tracks so to say. He has two brothers in this story Darrel Curtis and Soda Pop Curtis...that's right I said Soda Pop Curtis. (told you the names would make you smile.)Pony's mom and dad both have died in this story and he is living with his two brothers and they are always scared something they do will ship Pony right to a boys home. The Greasers are tough though.
Next you have one of my other favorite characters Dallas Winston. HMM Dreamy! Hes the bad boy the one that we all want but don't want because hes so bad. He's the one that help the boys get out of trouble...Hes a smoker, drinker, and a womanizer!
Now, we move on to Two-bit Mathews...the jokester of the group. The funny one and let me just say he loves Mickey Mouse.

Now on to the other group in this book...or should I say click?
The Socs...the south side socialists. They are the upper class. The group of guys/girls that snub their noses to people like Pony Boy and his family. There is only one person that doesn't and that is Cherie (cherry) Valence. I love the way she helps the Greasers out in this book. She ends up connecting with them. She is one very strong women!
This book is all about courage to be who you are. And stick up for what you want. I love what Johnny tells Pony in this book and if you know the book as much as I do you will know this line.
“Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.”
This book will forever stay my favorite book! If you haven't read it...please do you wont be sorry! That's why I give it a...
I also love all the different covers there are for this book...I have two of them myself. Do you have any of these?