Thursday, February 23, 2012

Guest Post: A Book is Born by Rashad Freeman

A Book is born by Rashad Freeman

Hello my name is Rashad Freeman and in case you haven’t heard (not that you should have) I’m the author of Creature Kid.  Volume I:  The Teenage Chronicles is my first offering of what’s to be a five or possibly six book series.  The story follows a teenage boy who some very peculiar and life altering things happen to, which like the ripple affect end up changing the entire world. 

In a number of interviews I’ve been asked how I came up with the idea for Creature Kid, so I decided I’d expand upon my answer in this post.  The short version is simple, I’ve got issues.  I hope I’m not the only one but I’ve always wished I had some sort of super power.  Like perhaps some aliens would snag me and inject me with supercharged alien blood, or I’d find a meteor that made me invincible.  Unfortunately to date I’ve had no such encounter and will seemingly live out my days as a mere mortal.

Well, that’s how I started with the idea for the book.  So I began to write it and planned on having a light and cheery story about some clumsy kid with super powers.  But when I write books I try to let them write themselves and this book went in a totally different direction.  The more I wrote the more I wanted to make the book about struggle and have a darker spin on the super hero idea.  I wanted the characters to grow and face adversity and not always win.

A multi book series seemed perfect as it gave me the opportunity to create many dimensions and tell the story over several books.  I can show a wide range of growth and changes with all the characters in the story and the reader really gets to see how situations have affected each of them individually.  Another thing I love about a multi book series is the chance to grow the story.  What I mean by that is the first book is a short read and intended for middle/high schoolers.  As the story progresses the books get longer and the content is more mature.

So while the book began as an extension of my strange desires to become some sort of mutant.  It’s morphed into a tale of struggle, adventure and a bit of romance.  It’s like the worst case scenario when you find out you’ve got super powers.  Things aren’t always as happy go lucky as the movies make them out to be.    

About the Author: 



Rashad Freeman is a Florida native and avid water sports enthusiast. When he's not chasing his 3 boys around or working hard for his real job he writes young adult action adventure and paranormal novels and adult mystery/thrillers. His first title "Creature Kid Volume I" debuted January 1, 2012 and is the first in a long string of action packed stories floating recklessly around in his head.

*This Guest Post is for a blog tour for Hollow Tours and Rashad's book Creature Kid*

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