Monday, April 2, 2012

Blog Tour: Author Interview with Angela Carling

I'm so excited to show you all this great tour.  Today I am hosting the author of Unbreakable Love, Angela Carling.  We have a author interview and a great giveaway for you.  

First off I want to start off by saying a huge welcome to Angela Carling and a huge thanks for letting me be part of her blog tour.  With that being said, lets get down to business...

What part of the writing process is the easiest/hardest for you?

I love prewriting.  In my mind, I get to create and change and adapt all I want.  It’s like a movie running through my head but it’s free.    

Who is your favorite character (that you’ve written)?

Probably Celeste, Nate’s supervisor from Unbreakable Love.  She’s so funny but doesn’t mean to be.

Is there anything you’re working on now?

I have a trilogy at least roughly fleshed out and a few chapters written(called mysterious pink).  A few nights ago I also had a dream that got a standalone storyline going through my mind.   Now I’m itching to write that.

Are any of the characters inspired by someone in real life?

Not in Unbreakable Love, but Ryan, a character in my next book Shackled (the villain dude you will love to hate) is modeled after one of the few people I don’t like.

Do you follow a writing schedule, or just write whenever you get the chance?

My son laughs at me because I have three jobs, Mom, foreign exchange student advisor and author.  I have to fight tooth and nail for writing time so most of my writing is done at night while everyone else sleeps.

Do you listen to music while you write, or do you prefer quiet?

I’m useless if it’s not quiet.  Oddly, I can edit with noise, but not write new material.  Just call me distractible.

If you could jump in to any book and live there, which book would you choose?

The Chronicles of Narnia. I like adventure.

 Describe your book in a tweet (140 characters or less). Forbidden love, an imperfect angel and  
What was the last book you bought?

A Stiff Kiss by Avery Olive, although I still haven’t gotten to it, refer back to that three job thing.

How long did it take you to write your book?

Seven months writing about an hour a night.

Did you use an outline or make some sort of “book plan” before you started writing?
English teachers everywhere will hate me, but other than some detail about character’s it was all in my head.  Now that doesn’t mean I didn’t have some serious corrections to make.  I guess what I am saying is I’m one of those fly-by-the-seat- of-their-pant’s authors.

If you could live someone else's life for two weeks, whose life would you choose?

My husband so that I could finally understand men.

Of all the little things and simple pleasures in life, which one do you enjoy most of all?

The feel of the warm sun on my face and my kid’s laughter.

If you won the lottery tomorrow, what are the first three things you think you would do or buy?

A convertible Mustang, a cabin in the mountains for my hubby, and a Scottish fold(it’s a cat with flat ears)

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received in your life?

Keep your sense of humor, it’s critical. I give my dad credit for that one.

What thought or sentiment would you like to have copied and put into one million fortune cookies?

Be nice, you’ll be happier

What is your favorite sight, scent, and sound for each of the four seasons (if you have four distinct seasons where you live)?

In Arizona, the citrus trees blossom once a year for about two weeks, covering themselves in delicate white flowers that have the most sweet and sublime scent, making the entire neighborhood smell like heaven(assuming Heaven  smells good)That’s my favorite! 

If you got a parrot for a pet, what phrase would you be sure to teach it to say?

Angela, you look so skinny todayJ

 Who is your all time favorite fictional book character?

All those are great answers, its not time for the fast round! I asked Angela to say the first thing that came to her mind when I asked these questions... this is what she had to say!

Fun Stuff:

·         Coffee or tea?- neither, I do naps insteadJ
·         Paper book or ebook? Both!!!
·         Summer or winter? Winter, but in Arizona
·         Werewolves or vampires? Neither, I know I’m weird.
·         Morning person or night owl? I once took an eight am class in college.  I got a C.
·         Dogs or cats?-cats, although I have a cat that drools like a dog.


·         Drink-pink lemonade
·         Food-chocolate, and no it’s not dessert.
·         TV show-Once Upon a Time
·         Book-Victoria and the Rogue by Meg Cabot
·         Late night snack-I wish.
·         Writing tools-my trusty laptop and any other paper product I can my hands on when I have an idea.
·         Sport-rollerblading (does that count?)
·         Vacation destination-Don’t care as long as the water laps against the shore.
·         Music- Anything but country. Sorry Country lovers.
·         Place to read-snuggled up in bed with my husband snoring next to me
·         Place to write-all over, but I especially love to edit in my massage chair.
·         Way to relax-What are you kidding.  I haven’t done that since I had my first kid.

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