Monday, October 14, 2019

Fall Bucket List

I've always wanted to post a post like this one and you know what this is the year! I've seen several other bloggers posting their posts about fall and just had to post one myself. I was inspired mostly by Lauren over at Bookmark Lit.  Though as I'm writing this one, I'm sitting here wondering what in the world do I put on this list...think I'll just wing it. 

Bookish Goals 

  1. Read at least 3 Fallish Books:  This time of the year I enjoy reading fallish books. I'm super excited to take a walk out in our new park and maybe sitting on a bench beneath a tree to read. The weather here is perfect for that. If not a walk, maybe reading on the couch with some steamy cup of hot chocolate. 

2. Read -a- thon:   I need to find at least one more read-a-thon to participate in. This way I might be able to get a few more of my challenges completed, which leads me to my next goal. 

3. Challenges: I have several books I need to read to complete this years challenges! Yikes, I really have a lot to catch up on.  

Personal Goals  

 1. Find the perfect fall morning and night routine: This is something I've been working on since I moved. It's a bit frustrating that I haven't gotten into a routine just yet. Hopefully I can fix this soon. 

 2. Find time for myself: I really want to work on this more in the fall. I've been trying to remember to take time for myself, not that it always works. 

3. Bake: This is the time of the year that I love! Baking is the perfect part of fall when it comes to me and I've already started. Bread was the first things I baked. Bananna Nut and cinnamon swirl YUMMY! 

4. Take more Pictures:  This is a goal I've been working on lately, I want more images of our lives, more ways to look back and remember each and every detail! 

5. Decorate: I really want to decorate my house for fall! Make it pretty. I've never really had room to do so and now that I do, I want to do it all! LOL. I also need to fix up my room and closet and that all falls into the same catagory.  

6. Pumkin Patch and Farmers Markets: These are things that are a must in the fall and want to start doing more things like this with my kiddos. Hopefully I can find them here in our new hometown. 

Homeschool Goals 



1. Schedule some fieldtrips: We love fieldtrips and so far we've had some great ones. Going to have to add a few more to our list. 

2. Have some fun:  I want to stop putting so much pressure on myself and the kiddos for school. It's time to stop and have some fun. Which was one of the many reasons why we decided to homeschool. 

3. Start strewing: Strewing is something I'm trying to figure out. Want to see if it works for our homeschool.

4. Start posting more on the blog: This is something I had planned to do this year, but have failed at. Going to try to start this up again. I want to add more homeschool posts to the blog. I'm taking the images now, so it's time to share them with you all as well.  

So there you have it, my fall bucket list for this year! I actually posted one this year, yep I'm a little proud of myself lol. What's on your fall bucket list this year? 

I hope you all have a great day! 


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