Saturday, November 9, 2019

November Morning Basket

I want to share more of our homeschool life here on the blog and sharing our morning basket plans for the month is going to be one of the ways I do so. Beginning of every month you will now get my monthly TBR plan and a view into our homeschool journey through our Morning Basket plans as well. 

School has been great lately, even though the time change really kicked our butts, but we've been getting a lot accomplished and the kids are learning a lot! Usually, I pick our topic for our morning basket, but this month I let them choose. The theme they chose was Animals and I'm going to throw some Thanksgiving stuff in there too! 

For anyone that doesn't know what a morning basket is, it's something we start with each morning. To me it's something that gets our brains warmed up to start our day. Each day we have read-a-loud times, some kind of puzzle or short game.  I learned about Morning Basket through Youtube and mostly watching The Waldock Way's videos.  If you're a homeschooler like me and would like to see more, go check out her site. She's one of my favorite homeschool moms on Youtube. 

Anyway, below is a glimpse of our November Morning Basket. Oh and this usually takes us about 45 minutes to complete every morning, but we don't do everything that's in the basket every day. We loop through them.  First off, our basket isn't really just a basket, I have one of those rolling carts set up as our morning basket. There is a basket on top though.

The cart makes it easy for me to have our morning basket time anywhere in the house and can even go outside if we wanted. Though we usually do ours either at our table or on our couch. The first part of our Morning basket is full of books and activities. (I'll be adding a list of everything in our morning basket below.) The second shelf is a bunch of library books that go with our theme for the month. The bottom shelf this month has our mad libs and our magazines for the month. 

This is our Morning Menu, it keeps me straight on what needs to be done when. The calendar is mainly for my son, he needs some help with that so we are working on the days of the week and the months. We start our morning with the Morning Menu, (another idea I got off of The Waldock Way! Along with the planner that I print these pages from, again she's amazing.) This past month we started going through Cosmic Yoga and the kids are both really loving that so that was an obvious choice for November. My daughter wants to work with animals when she is older, not sure what she wants to actually do, so we are going to be looking into all the different career choices that could help her do what she wants. 

November Morning Basket Choices 

Theme: Animals and Thanksgiving 

Morning Menu: Calendar Time 
Loop: Poetry time from Poem of the Month over at Learning Through Literature, Art, and Muggle Music (This is one of our Harry Potter classes this year) 

Bible or Devotional: We use More Than Words for our Bible curriculum

Read-A-Louds: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
Magic Tree House: The Knight at Dawn 
A Dog's Porpoise 

Picture Books: (We read one of these a day, the list below is just a few of them)
Piranhas don't eat bananas 
The Very Impatient Caterpillar 
The Tiptoeing Tiger 
How to Catch A Mouse 
The Southernmost Cat
Little White Rabbit 
Go To Sleep, Little Farm 
Little Home Bird 
Lion Vs. Rabbit 
Owl Babies 
Fluffy and Baron 
Archi the Daredevil Penguin
Emily's Tiger

 Group Narration: The Magic Mirror

Journal: Daily Q & A Journal (This is a 3-year journal and we love it) 

Mindfulness or Movement: Cosmic Yoga and our weekly Nature Walk

Hands-on Activity:  Art projects, Roll-a-stories, and a few other extras. 

Daily Game: These only take about 5 to 10 minutes

So there you have it, our November Morning Basket. I know it's a little different than what I normally post, but I really want to share more of our life here on the blog. As always...

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