Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Month In A Glance: March 2019

So as you can see I'm bringing back my month in a glance posts. I've been wanting to do so for a bit, but the end of the months lately have been a bit crazy! Anyway, it's time to bring them back with a new logo as well. I hope you all enjoy this post as much as I do.  Also, I want to mention another amazing blogger in this post, if you haven't checked out Bookmark Lit you should. I love her posts and the idea for this new format is from her amazing blog.  I adore her posts and how real she writes her blog.

March was a bit of a blur for me, I moved and all that goes with moving happened. I now reside in a beautiful house with plenty of space for my books and I moved to a place with so much sunshine. Oh and did I mention that I love it, well even if I did I'm going to say this again...I LOVE IT HERE!  

I read 4 books in March, that is way better than I had been doing and they were four books that were on my TBR plan, which is amazing for me. There were no DNF's and no re-reads. Three out of the four were books from my Netgalley list and that's something new for me too. I have a problem usually reading books on my Kindle. I tend to forget they are there. March was a fantastic month for me. I'm hoping I can keep it up in April. 

Total number of pages read: 1,307 pages! 

The Books I Read in March  

 Challenge Update

CLICK here to see all the challenges I'm working on for 2019

2019 Tackle my TBR Challenge

Read 3 this month /  Total of 7 / Little over 50% finished 

Audio Book Challenge 2019

Listened to 0 this month / Total of 0 / I need to work on this one! 


Beat the Backlist Challenge 2019 

Read 0 this month/ Total of 0 / Yep I need to get to work on these challenges. Need to work on the bingo too! YIKES

I've been wanting to share more of my Instagram images here on the blog as well, so I figured my wrap up posts would be the perfect place. Below are a few of my favorites from the Month of March. 

 This last one is of my new house and I had to add it to this favorites of the month list! 

Posts from this Month

These goals will be bookish and blogging ones, not really personal goals like the other post I do sometimes.  I really want to start keeping track of my goals and actually keeping myself accountable for them. I figured the best way to do so is to post them here on my blog. 
March Goal: Read 75% of my TBR Plan! (I failed, but it was close) 

The main goal I had in March was to read at least 75% of my TBR Plan. It had 7 books on it and I read 4.  So I didn't fully reach that goal, but I was dang close! A lot better than I had figured I would do. March was a great reading month for me,  I feel pretty good  about it. I 'm hoping I can keep that up in April! 
April's Goal: 50% Audiobooks and 50% Ebooks
Now for April, I think I'm going to try a goal that I've seen a few bloggers try. 50% audio books and 50% ebooks. I need help when it comes to reading ebooks, so maybe this will push me a bit more.  We shall see! 
Possible TBR Plan for April
If you would like to see my TBR for April CLICK HERE!


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