Sunday, March 24, 2019

Ali Talks: Ratings and the Rating Breakdown

So today, I wanted to chat about ratings and the Rating breakdown that I used to add to my reviews here on the blog. It's something that's been on my mind for a little while and honestly it's something that I want to really work on here on Ali's Bookshelf. 

Do you ever feel like you get into a rut when it comes to ratings and the books you read? I know ratings are very subjective, they are based on the person's thoughts when reading the book. I want to work on the way I rate books. I honestly want to be a bit harder when it comes to my ratings. So fair warning you might not see many fives in the coming reviews. Fives are going to be saved for those books that I just couldn't get out of my head after I finished them, or those books that I just couldn't pull myself away from. I just feel like I give a lot of 4's and 5's and after awhile I wonder if I went back and read those books again if I would give the same rating. I want to be a little bit more critical. 

What are your thoughts on ratings? When you read a book are you criticial when giving out a rating or do you just give it a five if you liked it?  

 I think I'm going to bring back my old rating system, a few years ago I used to post all my reviews with a rating breakdown of sorts. Sort of like this...

Plot: /20
Characters: /20
Writing: /20
Creativity: /20
Cover: /10
Ending: /10

I'm thinking of bringing this back to help me be fore critical of what I'm reading. Back when I was adding this to my reviews I was a bit more critical than I am now.  It made me think before just giving a book five puppies, I had to know exactly why I was giving said book five puppies. I think will also keep me more in check when it comes to be honest about how I feel about the book. If I like a book, I've found here lately I give it five puppies, but shouldn't I love that book if it gets that rating? Like I said I've been thinking about this for a while now and I think it's time for change! 

Thanks for sticking around for my little ratings chat, how do you feel about ratings? Should we as readers be more critical or just go with it? I would love to know your thoughts on this topic. Also how do you rate your reads, do you just rate them on Goodreads or do you have a blog like me? 

Have a great day and as always...

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