Tuesday, July 2, 2019

July TBR Plans

Can you believe it's already July? I can't, it's crazy to think that it's already the seventh month of the year. Anyway, lately I've been thinking about this blog and wanting to change things up even more than I already have in the past several months. I'm just not sure how I'm going to do that. The first step was to bring back these Montly TBR's, though they used to bring on the stress hardcore. Calling these posts the TBR Plan has helped, it's eased off the pressure to read it all. If I don't, it's not big deal I can always just add them to next months list right? 

Anyway, I wanted to change it up a bit more, so this month...drum roll please... I made something to help me pick my TBR books. Yep I said I made something! If I'm being honest I have so many books that I need to read, ones that have been on my shelves for a while now. Ones that I'm dying to read and haven't had my chance just yet and ones that I forgot I even had. So this month and for the next several months, I'm going to focus on those books, but with a twist! Are you ready for this?

Yep, I created a Ali's Bookopoly board! I got this idea from Becca and The Books on Youtube and if you haven't watched her vids, she is a delight to watch. Anyway, I thought it was a great way to actually pick which books to read and and to help me read ones that I already own. Now hopefully next month, I'll be able to make a video of me playing my bookopoly but my camera wasn't working this month. GRRR anyway, so I took pics instead. Like I said hopefully I'll have a video for you all next month, so this months post will be a little longer than normal. 

The rules are pretty simple. Roll the dice and move your little pawn that many spaces. Then pick a book that's from the catagory! If I roll a double though I have to add another roll/book to my list. Luckily this month, I didn't roll any doubles. So I have five books that I'll be reading in July! 

 Let's Play Ali's Bookopoly! 

 For my first roll I rolled an 8 and landed on Paranormal/Magical Realism and yes my pawn I picked for this game is Sleeping Beauty, thought it added a nice touch seeing as she is my favorite Disney Princess! 

 So the book that I picked for this roll is My One And Only by Alanea Alder! I love this whole series so much and I can't wait to start this one. I actually got this one last month for my birthday.  So I knew I had to add this one into my TBR if I could. 

My second roll I rolled a four which landed me on Read an ebook or audiobook. I knew this one would be an easy pick too book wise because I needed to listen to this book for another challenge I'm doing. So it worked out just fine! So I'll be listening to They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera. This one has been on my shelf for a while now and I have it in both print and audio.


 My next roll was a fun one. There are Community Shelf and Chance cards that go with this game. The Community Shelf cards are little challenges and the Chance cards are 20 books that have been on my shelf for a while, 10 that I'm dying to read and 10 that I'm interested in but not dying to get my hands on. Anyway, for my third roll I landed on a Community Shelf spot. 

The book I picked for this one, is a quick read so of course that makes it a bit easier. I picked a Manga that my daughter enjoyed and that I actually have the book of. Vampire Kisses Blood Relatives by Ellen Schreiber.

For my fourth roll I rolled a nine and landed on Adult Fantasy! One of my favorite genres. 

For Adult Fantasy I picked The Princess of Landover by Terry Brooks. I love his books and couldn't wait to read this one.  Also look at this cover, it's so pretty!

For my final roll, I rolled a seven and ended up on Community Shelf again! YIKES. Anyway, the card told me to randomly generate a number and read that corresponding book on my TBR list on Goodreads. I actually liked this one. 

So book 519 on my TBR own shelf was Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins. I have to say I'm excited about this one. I have wanted to read that book for a while now.  It's been on my shelf for years. 

So there you have it, something a little different, I had a blast playing and picking out books to match each genre. Hopefully I'll have as much fun reading these books. I hope you all have a great reading month and as always ...

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