Monday, July 22, 2019

The Reading Rush Day 1: It Has Begun!

I'm so excited, The Reading Rush has begun! Anyway, if you haven't seen my TBR you can by CLICKING HERE. I'm not really sure how I want these posts to go this year. Usually I do a daily post with all my updates at the end of the day, but this year there is a website that helps you keep track of pages read and books read. So I'm not sure if I should keep track here also. You know what I think I will, that way you can all see how I'm doing. So this week there will be daily posts with my daily updates. 

Throughout the day, I'll pop into this post and tell you all a bit about my day! Along with pages read and or books finished.  Guess I should probably get to it then. 

Update 1: The Reading Rush started at 12:01 AM and as soon as it did I started reading. Our electric went out around 5 PM last night and I was frantically hoping it would come back on in time. Reading by candle light really isn't as easy as it sounds. Anyway, it did come back on around 11 PM and I was able to start reading right on time. I actually finished Two books before I went to sleep last night! GO ME!!!  So we are off to a great start so far. 

Finished Books so far: 

Pages Read:

Monstress - 235 Pages 
Golden Compass Graphic Novel  Vol 1 - 80 Pages 

Update 2: So I started my third book and I've been reading it, but I'm not really enjoying it. Not sure what I'm going to do seeing as it is for two challenges. Maybe I'll give it a break and start one of my other books. HMMM what should I do? 


So there you have it the first day of the reading rush. I actually got a lot done today. I'm going to try to either push through with the third book or pick up A Darker Shade of Magic. Let me know in the comments below what you would do? 

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