Saturday, March 2, 2019

March TBR Plan

I'm trying to take away the pressure that a TBR used to put on me, honestly I think it was more of blogger pressure than reading pressure, but we shall see. Anyway, the idea behind this came from Girl in the Pages. Her TBR's are called a plan and I thought that was very fitting for me. It's just a plan, not a have to!  If you haven't checked her blog out, please go do so now, she's one of my favorite bloggers/blogs. I read this one pretty much every time she posts.  I've also been loving Bookmark Lit lately and I love how she picks her TBR books. So, I thought I would give it a shot as well. If you haven't checked her blog out, it's a must. You should head there and read her blog as well!

Febuaray Update


  In Febuary, I moved from Kentucky to Florida and didn't have much time to read. I did however finish reading two books. Both of which were physical copy ARC's and I really enjoyed both. My review of The Dysasters can be found HERE. I'll be reviewing The Deceivers later this month. 





March TBR 


 So this is where my TBR plan is going to change a bit, I'm a bit behind on my review copies and I would love to at least try to get a little caught up. While I was trying to figure out a good way to do so, I came across this post over on Bookmark Lit. I fell in love with the idea and way she picks her egalley TBR. I thought I would give it a try this month and see if it helps me get at least a little caught up. I also really love her spreadsheets, but I'm not that organized just yet. Maybe one day soon though. 

I don't usually read this many egalley's but that's probably one of the many reason's I'm now behind. (That and the move of course LOL) Anyway, below is my list for the month. 

                    Backlist Title                      Current Title                    Current Title 

                                    Furture Release                 Freebie Pick

The Best of Us by Robyn Carr  
Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell
The Next to Last Mistake by Amalie Jahn
Wicked Saints by Emily A Duncan 
The Cliff House by RaeAnne Thayne 


Phyical Copies 

 Now these are my physical copies that I want to read this month. They aren't ARC's this month but later in the coming months they might be. This month I'm going to be reading two books. One of which the publishing company sent me finished copies of the whole series and one I've been dying to read. 

                                      From Publisher                       Owned
Dream Eater by K. Bird Lincoln 
Otherearth by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller

 I haven't checked any books out for myself from the library down here just yet, so I don't have any books from there to add to my list this month. I also don't have any tours scheduled for March other than the one that I already posted. That might change though, you never know. 

There you have it, my March TBR! I think it's a great start and hopefully, it works to help me get caught up. Cross your fingers for me! 

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