Sunday, March 3, 2019

March Goals

It's time to share some new goals with you, my goals for this month have a lot to do with moving. I still can't believe I've moved to Florida and the weather is fantastic! I used to be in Kentucky where the weather is crazy, it never knows how to make up it's mind what it want's to do there. Now it's in the 70's almost everyday and I'm loving it. Anyway, below you will find my goals for March!

So moving has been crazy, I still have so much to do here at my new house, even though we've done a lot already. Has anyone else made a big move lately? Moving isn't easy, no matter what anyone says. It's really hard and a huge deal! I have about 15 more boxes to unpack and even more on the way here soon. Some of my things were left in Kentucky and my dad is bringing them down here to me soon. Below are some of my goals for the month. Some are personal, some are homeschool related, then some of course are book related. 

Family Goals 


The main family goals I have right now is to spend more time with my kiddo's out of the house. We homeschool so we have plenty of time to spend together here at the house. We need to get out and learn new things about where we live. We vacationed here every summer so we know a lot but we really need to find some new places to try and see. 

Homeschool Goals 


 Our main goals for homeschool this month are to get back to our schedule, with the move things got out of wack, we've been homeschooling every day but our schedule needs some tweeking. It's getting there though. 

My second goal for homeschool is to get a laminator. It's something I really want to have on hand. I laminate more things than I ever thought I would so having a laminator at home would come in handy. 

My third goal for March and homeschool is to finish getting our new homeschool room set up. Yep we have an actual homeschool room and I'm so excited! Before we were homeschooling in the kitchen and there wasn't much room. Now we are in the dining room and there is so much room. I'll post pictures as soon as it's finished! 


Life Goals


Now that my life has changed a bit, yeah that was total sarcasm, life has changed so much, anyway I want to get out more. Take time for myself and go out. 

Second life goal for this month is to start building my tribe here in my new city. I need some new friends. Some new female friends would be wonderful!   I know these sound so easy, but honestly they really aren't! At least not for me. 

Bookish Goals 


 Now these goals I've already started! First off, I want to get all my ARC's organized so I know what I need to read and when. I'm a little behind with the move and it's time to get set back up and back on track. (I've already set up my new spread sheet and it's already starting to work out.) 

Second goal is to get all bookshelves set up and organized. I've already got two new ones for the kids and my daughter needs one more and she will be set. Now I need two more for my bedroom and hopefully I'll be set! So much to do LOL

House Goals  


 My main house goal right now is to finish setting up my living room and my command center! I'm waiting on some tables and need to get a rug for my living room. Then I have to find the perfect table for my command center. Can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for but I'm sure I will soon. 

My second house goal is to set up a routine that I really enjoy! I'm starting to get settled in and my routine is starting to take shape, but it needs a few tweeks.   

So there you have it, my goals for March! I'll post an update on each during my montly wrap upSo what are your goals for the month? 


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