Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Reading Rush TBR

I am so excited about this read-a-thon. I haven't participated in a read-a-thon in a little while mainly because I was trying to get caught up here on the blog. (Yep I said trying!) Anyway, The Reading Rush is the read-a-thon that is previoiusly known as the BookTubeAThon. I've participated in that one a few times and normally I do pretty well. This year though the hostes Ariel and Raeleen have vamped the whole thing. It now has it's own website where you can earn badges and there are forums so you can chat with other book lovers. It's going to be so much fun and I can't wait. Oh and did I mention that it starts July 22nd to the 28th.

So there are some great challenges for this read-a-thon as well, thats one of the way you earn those badges. Below are the books I'm going to try to read for this read-a-thon and the challenges they go with. Some books work for several challenges!

 The first challenge is to read a book with purple on the cover. I picked Diary of a Single Wedding Planner by Violet Howe. This book also works for another challenge, which is to read an authors first book. So two challenges down with the first book. YAY ME!

The next challenge is to Read a book in the same spot the entire time. So I figured this needed to be a shorter book. (Though thinking about it really didn't have to be. I just needed to pick a comfy spot and just keep coming back to it.) Though I went with a shorter book lol. I picked The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. Oh yeah did I mention it's the graphic novel? That's what I meant by short book.  I'll be reading Volume 1 for this challenge.

This will also work for another challenge as well and that's to read a book and watch the movie adaptation. I didn't want to re-read anything and couldn't think of anything I wanted to watch, so I figured this one would work.

This one I'm really excited about! A Darker Shade of Magic is a book that I've been dying to read but haven't found the time to do so. Anyway, this one works for two challenges as well. Do you see a patern here? The challenges for this one are Read a book you meant to read last year and Read a Book with five or more words in the title. 

So there is one more challenge that I'm going for and that is to read a book with a non human main character. (There is a badge if you read seven books, but I'm not pushing myself for that one!) Anyway, I'm going to read Monstress for that. I figued it's a graphic novel and it will be another fast read. The main character isn't human so it worked.  I'm also reading Hex Hall right now, so if I don't finish that book in time I'll be finishing it after I finish these books above. 

Like I said above I'm super excited for this read-a-thon to start and if you would like more information on this one you can CLICK HERE!  I hope you're all having a great week and as always...

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