Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Review: Traitor Angel by H. David Blalock

Review: Traitor Angel by H. David Blalock

IN A GLANCE: Very Different, and a very fast read!

Title: Traitor Angel
Author: H. David Blalock
Publisher: Seventh Star Press
Format: Ebook
Pages: 228 pages
ISBN #:  1937929736

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In the second book of the Angelkiller Triad, Traitor Angel, the war between The Army of Light and The Enemy continues behind the scenes. Unknown to the general population, the battle for control of humanity is heating up. Jonah Mason, called Angelkiller, faces more than one decision. His Army resistance cell is wounded physically and emotionally, on the brink of falling apart. The mysterious allies calling themselves Knights are pressuring him to abandon his people. Meanwhile, the world outside draws closer to Armageddon. As Mason and his friends pursue their campaign against Dorian Azrael's global megacorporation, Andlat Enterprises, the stakes get higher with each desperate foray into the enemy's computers. They are fated to lose one of their number and gain an unlikely ally, but any advantage they gain could be fleeting at best. If they fail, it could mean the end of The Army and all resistance to the forces of Darkness.


So, this is the second book in this great series and to say that I liked it is an understatement.  I love this book.  There are so many things that I loved about this book, but only one thing that I didn't like about it and its the size.  It was way to short for me.  It was a extremely fast read, 228 pages isn't very long, but it was just enough to make me love this book.

I mean who wouldn't want to read a book that starts off "Evil won"? Its so different from anything else that I have read and that is the best thing about this book.  I was so excited to get my hands on this book, I loved the first one and couldn't wait to read this one.

This great writer really did listen to the reviews of the first one and we got to start connecting with the characters in this one, still not as much as I would have liked, but just enough.  The plot in this book and series is tremendous and I would love to read more from this author.


Plot: 19/20
Characters: 18/20
Writing: 19/20
Creativity: 20/20
Ending: 7/10
Cover: 10/10 

93 out of 100 = 4 Puppy Rating

*This review is for a blog tour, but I did buy my copy of the book from Amazon!*

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Thanks for the kind words, Ali. The last book promises to be significantly larger than the first two, so that should please you. I hope it meets your expectations.
woo hoo! Thanks for participating and so glad that you found the series growing stronger with this title. That's how a series should go, each installment better than the last, right? :)

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