Monday, March 18, 2013

Blog Tour: Nate Rocks Guest Post and Giveaway

So today, I have a great blog tour to share with you and a great guest post from author Karen Pokras Toz.  At the end of this post is also a great giveaway.  So enjoy! 

Karen Pokras Toz: A Day in the Life of...

My eyes flutter open as the smell of hot coffee drifts into the room.

“I had cook prepare breakfast for you this morning,” he says lovingly as he places the tray on the table next to the bed – his blue eyes fixated on my every move. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve scheduled a massage for you just after you get back from your lunch meeting at the Ritz. I know how busy your days can be.”

What? Your day doesn’t go like this?  Oh wait – mine doesn’t either!

My day usually begins between 5 and 5:30am, depending on what time my two cats decide to jump on my face. After dragging myself out of bed, the real fun begins – trying to get three grumpy, sleepy children awake, fed, and out the door before their buses arrive – one at 6:45, one at 7:30 & one at 8:30. It’s hectic, but I know that when that last little person gets on the bus at 8:30 – the day is all mine. At least until 3:30 when they start to file back in. It’s then that I go from writer to chauffer, tutor, chef (yeah right) & referee.

You may think I spend that seven hours in between writing, but in reality, it’s more like an hour – two hours if I’m having a really good day. There’s also laundry (sometimes), meal preparation (occasionally), and cleaning (rarely) stuck in there also. But it’s okay, because I spend a good part of my day talking to readers, other writers, and friends. Without all these wonderful people, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. They provide me with inspiration, motivation, and encouragement on a daily basis. I never feel like I’m wasting my time – that I should be writing. Not true. I look forward to these conversations. To me, the interaction is not just about marketing: it’s about developing relationships, and I wouldn’t have my day go any other way.

Karen Pokras Toz lives outside of Philadelphia with her husband and three children. Karen’s middle grade childrens’ novels: Millicent Marie Is Not My Name and the Nate Rocks series, have won several awards including First Place for Children’s Chapter Books and the Grand Prize Overall in the 2012 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards, as well as placing first for a Global E-Book Award for Pre-Teen Literature. Karen is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI). Her first adult contemporary novel, invisible, will be released this summer. For more information, please visit

According to Nathan Rockledge, fifth grade has plenty of perks. Oh sure, there’s more work and that know-it-all, Lisa Crane, is still around – but, there’s a lot to look forward to as well: a laser tag birthday party, baseball at recess, and even a cool Halloween dance. Of course, all of that means nothing without the biggest perk of all . . . the class trip to New York City in the spring. If Nathan’s class can raise enough money to go, that is. Give Nathan paper and a pencil and watch as his imagination turns him into Nate Rocks, hero and fifth grade super star. With adventures abound, Nate saves the day time and again. But will Nate be able to save the fifth grade trip? Join Nathan, his hilarious family, and his friends, as he rocks the school in another fun Nate Rocks adventure.

For this tour we have a Giveaway for this blog and then a Grand prize giveaway as well.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Grand Prize Giveaway!  
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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My day today is going to be outside shoveling snow we are getting up to 8 in. today..I wish spring would get here soon..
I woke up with my baby. I fed her breakfast. I ate breakfast. She played for a while. I gave her mid-morning snack. She took a nap. And she has her 9 month old appointment at 1:30pm. And it's just becomes the same cycle from there. Eat, Sleep, Change Diapers. Thanks for having the giveaway.
I am feeling happy to read this interesting post. I really want to read this. please update some information about this as soon as posible.
Wow cool, that's good. Thanks for sharing.

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