Friday, August 30, 2013

Authors are Rockstars: Author Interview with Aimee Agresti

You all know how much I love Aimee Agresti and being part of Authors are Rockstars tour is so exciting.  Well I have an author interview with the spectacular Aimee Agresti.  If you would like to read my review of Illuminate you can by CLICKING HERE. 

I know this post is late and I am so sorry for that, my youngest was in the hospital and sick.  But here it is now.  

There are so many reasons I think Aimee Agresti is a rock star and those include:

  • She writes some amazing characters that I fell in love with and connect with.  
  • Her plot is believable
  • She always has me wanting more when I read her books
  • She's not one of those authors that act like they are above you, she is down to earth, well she is through email lol.  (I would love to meet her in person one day so she can sign my books lol) 

Alright, there are so many reasons and I could go on and on about her books, but instead I have a author interview to share with you.  ENJOY!

Meet the Press: Seventh Star Press

Press for the Press: Meet Seventh Star Press

It's time to meet a press that many have not heard of, but should know.  This press is one that publishes fantastic Fantasy books, with amazing artwork and fantastic plots.  If you haven't heard of this publishing company read more about them below.  Trust me you wont be disappointed. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How About A Free Book Today? Check this out!

So today is the day to get your copy of Love & The Goddess by

Mary Elizabeth Coen. That's right it's free day for Kindle, so what are you waiting for get your copy today. Below you will find some information about the book, an excerpt from the book, author information and of course the link to get your free copy!    

Touted in the press as ‘An Irish Eat, Pray, Love’ meets ‘Sex and the City’.

Book cover Love & Goddess (2)Love & the Goddess
One woman, One myth, Three Goddesses
A woman’s voyage of self discovery begins on the internet leading all the way to Brazil and onto the Andean highlands of Peru.
Devastated from her relationship break- up, Kate Canavan is at a loss until she re-discovers a hidden painting of the triple Goddess from Greek mythology. Her interest in mythology and spirituality is re-ignited. A voyage of self discovery begins with internet dating using the names of each of the Goddesses in the triple myth. When a health scare intervenes Kate and her friends go together to visit a famous healer in Brazil and a spiritual guru in Peru, where all three friends begin spiritual journeys of forgiveness, gratitude and learning to live in the now.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Under the Bed Across The World Cover Reveal

It is time for another amazing cover reveal here at Ali's Bookshelf.  Check out the cover and let me know what you like and what you don't if there is anything.  I for one love the colors and the fonts on this cover.  Plus it looks really cool how the girl looks.  See for yourself though. 

Under The Bed Across the World
by Rose Candis 
Expected Pub: September 2013

Under the Bed Across the World, Rose’s poignant account of her journey from incest and addiction into recovery, is both tragic and humorous. Her account of how her sexually abusive Jewish father divided her loyalty between him, her mother, and herself provides a microcosm for how sexual abuse and addiction destroy the human family. By confronting her past, Rose sheds her loyalty to her abusive relatives and creates her own unique family unit through international adoption. The memoir raises the question: Can contentment be found after departure from the quagmire of toxicity?

Friday, August 16, 2013

Who is this writer called Leeland Artra?

So today we have an awesome guest post from author Leeland Artra, he has taken the time to send us a post about his life and share some great pictures with us as well.  We hope you sit back, read and enjoy!

Who is this writer called Leeland Artra?

Are you sure you want to know? 

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to people asking a question like that. It is hard to believe anyone would be interested in who I am. There are times I wish there was a simple answer to this question. Truth is, my life has been far more interesting than I care for.

A quick recap: I was born in Seattle, did private schools, moved to public schools, family got pretty decent business, family lost business, moved from vast hilltop house to small (very small) camper trailer living on welfare, lived for a time on a working farm, worked for my food, and then landed in Las Vegas for my teen years. Yes, all that happened before I was twelve.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Eyes will be Opened

Review: Force of Nature by Sydney Logan

IN A GLANCE: Eyes will be opened, whilst the eye of the storm passes overhead.

Title: Force of Nature
Author: Sydney Logan
Publisher: Williams Creek Press
Format: Kindle
Pages: 52

When a storm strikes, Laura is trapped in the library basement with her crush Aiden. Will the time spent together make them both admit their feelings for each other or will it destroy them like the storm consuming their town?

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