So today is the day to get your copy of Love & The Goddess by
Mary Elizabeth Coen. That's right it's free day for Kindle, so what are you waiting for get your copy today. Below you will find some information about the book, an excerpt from the book, author information and of course the link to get your free copy!
Touted in the press as ‘An Irish Eat, Pray, Love’ meets ‘Sex and the City’.
One woman, One myth, Three Goddesses
A woman’s voyage of self discovery begins on the internet leading all the way to Brazil and onto the Andean highlands of Peru.
Devastated from her relationship break- up, Kate Canavan is at a loss until she re-discovers a hidden painting of the triple Goddess from Greek mythology. Her interest in mythology and spirituality is re-ignited. A voyage of self discovery begins with internet dating using the names of each of the Goddesses in the triple myth.
When a health scare intervenes Kate and her friends go together to visit a famous healer in Brazil and a spiritual guru in Peru, where all three friends begin spiritual journeys of forgiveness, gratitude and learning to live in the now.
Ferdia Mac Anna (author of cult book to movie Last of the high Kings) says:-
"Funny, informative heart-warming and wildly entertaining. This novel takes the reader on an exhilarating roller-coaster ride though modern romance, internet dating, Peruvian Gurus, wannabes, has-beens and lotharios and brings them home safe and almost sound. This book rocks!'

Mary says “Though I always dreamed of being a writer, I took a rather circuitous route getting here. You could say I have had several incarnations in this lifetime from Home Economics teacher to Fashion Editor of a magazine, along with being mother to my three wonderful children, Mark, Janet and Emily. Due to demand from clients I opened my own pr consultancy firm specializing in fashion; - the dream job for a fashionista, availing of great discounts on wonderful shoes and vintage clothing!
Sadly it was not meant to last as in 2004 my health deteriorated and as a result, work had to take a back seat. I became interested in holistic medicine, personal development and writing in an attempt to cope with my diagnosis of fibromyalgia. In the process, I developed a passion for mythology, philosophy and the study of ancient spiritual traditions. As a spiritual seeker, I’ve travelled to Mayan sites in Mexico, visited a famous healer’s ashram in Brazil and undertook a shamanic journey through Peru.”
Love & the Goddess is closely based on memoir.
Excerpt form Love & the Goddess by Mary Elizabeth Coen
It was with great reluctance that I got ready to go out that evening, since I would have preferred to spend time writing in my journal before taking an early night. But there was no dissuading Ella, who called for me at eight to tell me our black cab was waiting. The driver took off at speed up the main street before turning down a side road with high white walls on either side.
“It seems very quiet for a party. Are you sure you have the right night?” I asked as Ella paid the taxi driver and we got out on the silent street in front of what appeared to be a plain pebble-dash house. With its continuous high wall running along the side, it was difficult to make out its exact size or shape.
“I fibbed. It’s a double date. Oh don’t be mad, Kate. Nothing serious – just a bit of male company. They’re fine. Virtual monks, if you ask me. Hey, you can even team up with the good-looking guy.”
“Are you mad? They could be crazies!” I was about to turn away when the wrought-iron door opened wide.
“Hello, ladies,” said one of the most fascinating-looking men I had ever met. Of indeterminable age, anywhere between thirty five and fifty, his facial features were so strong and outrageously unusual; he qualified as both ugly and beautiful. Ebony black skin, wide nose, wide lips, cheekbones so sharp they could slice cheese. With huge expressive eyes and a charming smile, the effect was totally disarming. “We’ve been expecting you. Adolfo’s inside. I’m Nat.”
Ella smiled at me and I felt as if I was compelled by a supernatural force to go along with whatever was about to unfold, despite wondering had I taken leave of my senses. As we followed Nat through the house, Ella nudged me, nodding at his trim torso visible through a black t-shirt over denim-clad snake hips. With his graceful, animal-like stride, he led us down the cool white stucco-plastered corridor into a large villa-style living room. There he introduced me to Adolfo, a short, stocky man in his early fifties with an air of business and a whiff of Cuban cigars about him. Ella had told me on the way there that Adolfo was originally from Rio de Janiero, but she hadn’t told me anything about this other man.
“Where are you from Nat?” I asked, after we got over the initial pleasantries.