Thursday, December 1, 2016

December TBR

I seriously have no idea where this year has gone, so much has happened, some good and some terrible, but it's almost over.  Can you believe it?  

I haven't posted one of these in awhile, but I've been thinking about this blog and what I want it to be in the upcoming year. One of which is to revamp. So this next month I'm going to be changing up the posts and adding new things. Piece by piece I'm hoping it will all come together.  

The first step is changing up the posts, I want to get back to posting more and not just the same old same old either, I want some fresh new posts. I want to also share my life with you. So get ready readers, this upcoming year is going to be a fun one.  

Anyway, let's get back to sharing what we're reading.  Here is my list of books that I want to read this month.  First up are a few of the Christmas ARC's that I received from Netgally.

Twelve Days of Christmas by Debbie Macomber 
A Wedding for Christmas by Lori Wilde  

I'm Also Reading...

Unlucky in Love by Maggie McGinnis 
 Christmas in Paris by Anita Hughes

I'm hoping to get through all of these and maybe a few more. We shall see! So what are you reading this month? 


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Teaser Tuesday #103

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Books and a Beat. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser.

“All humans make mistakes. What determines a person's character aren't the mistakes we make. It's how we take those mistakes and turn them into lessons rather than excuses.”

Picking a teaser from this book was hard to do, there are so many teaser quotes to pick from that are amazing! It Ends With Us is my first Colleen Hoover book that I've read and I think I've found a new favorite author. I'm loving this book so much! 


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Tear Jerker Movies

Top Ten Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.   It's mainly a topic based top ten posts where I'll be answering the question and showing off some books.  So if you would like to know more about this meme, CLICK HERE. 

I'm just going to list these and they aren't in any special order. Tear Jerker movies are some of my favorite kinds. They are jam packed full of feels and I just love them. If a movie can make me cry then it's a great one! So here's my list. 

  1. Me Before You  - I cried so hard during this movie, though I knew I would, so I had tissues with me. Like four packs! 
  2.  Fault In Our Stars - Another one that I knew before hand would have me crying like a baby. Thanks to the amazing book, I brought tissues for this one too. 
  3. The Outsiders - Again because of the book I knew I'd cry. This one is one of my all time favorites! I re-read this book every year and watch the movie! 
  4. PS. I Love You - Seriously, spoiler alert don't read this next line if you haven't seen this movie. One of my favorite actors dies in this movie, that alone makes me cry the rest is just a movie that kills me everytime. I love this movie! 
  5. Ladder 49 - This movie is one I will never forget. It didn't help that when I saw this in the theater I was married to a fire fighter and had been a fire fighter myself for several years. Basically this movie made want to stop being one and just take care of my kids.
  6. Bridge to Terabithia - Do I even have to explain this one? Like seriously I don't want to even think about this movie because just thinking about it makes me tear up. Another one of my favs. 
  7. The Best of Me - This movie is one that makes you fall in love with the characters. I cried so hard at the end. Even though I knew it was coming! 
  8. Man On Fire - I'm pretty sure I've seen this movie over a hundred times and I still cry every time! 
  9. Where the Red Fern Grows- I haven't watched this movie in a long time and it's because I know I'll cry my eyes out. I had to read the book when I was younger and I cried so much. 
  10. A Walk to Remember - Most of you know this movie and know why it's on the list. Another fav of mine though. I just watched it the other day. Oh and they added it to Netflix, not sure it's still on there but I watched it a few times when it first was added. Amazing movie full of feels. 

So there you go, 10 amazing feel worthy movies that made me cry. Love them all! I think if I put this list in order though Bridge to Terabithia and Me Before you would tie for number 1.  Hope you all have a great Tuesday!!

Teaser Tuesday #102

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Books and a Beat. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser.

 "Where did he go?" asked Jaide. "I thought he was right behind us."  Jack blinked rapidly as a sudden gust of wind threw dust into his eyes.

I hope you enjoyed this little bit of a teaser.  Care to give me a tease into what you're reading? Leave me a comment below or a link to your own Teaser Tuesday. I'd love to find new things to read.


Monday, November 14, 2016

It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.  It's a meme where you share what you read last week, what you're currently reading and what you plan on reading that week. 

So it's been a bit crazy around here with my business taking off and I haven't really had time to blog lately, but that's going to change starting today. I have the whole week planned out and excited to be back to sharing my love of books with you. Below are my reading plans for the week. 

Today I'm Reading: 

Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

I'm going to finish this whole series this year. Well, that's the plan. So far I've loved the first two, it's time for the third! 


Nora Grey can't remember the past five months of her life. After the initial shock of waking up in a cemetery and being told that she has been missing for weeks - with no one knowing where she was or who she was with - she tried to get her life back on track. Go to school, hang out with her best friend, Vee, and dodge mom's creepy new boyfriend.

But there is this voice in the back of her head, an idea that she can almost reach out and touch. Visions of angel wings and unearthly creatures that have nothing to do with the life she knows.

And this unshakable feeling that a part of her is missing.

Then Nora crosses paths with a sexy stranger, whom she feels a mesmerizing connection to. He seems to hold all the answers...and her heart. Every minute she spends with him grows more and more intense until she realizes she could be falling in love. Again.

This Week I Plan To Read: 

Christmas in Paris by Anita Hughes 

I'm super excited to read this one. I love this author's books so much and can't wait to start it!  

 Hughes will fill your heart with the sights, sounds, and flavors of new love, glamorous fashion, and decadent holiday cuisine.

Isabel Lawson is standing on the balcony of her suite at the Hotel Crillon as she gazes at the twinkling lights of the Champs Elysee and wonders if she’s made a terrible mistake. She was supposed to be visiting the Christmas tree in the Place de la Concorde, and eating escargots and macaroons with her new husband on their honeymoon. But a week before the wedding, she called it off. Isabel is an ambitious Philadelphia finance woman, and Neil suddenly decided to take over his grandparents’ farm. Isabel wasn’t ready to trade her briefcase for a pair of rubber boots and a saddle.

When Neil suggested she use their honeymoon tickets for herself, she thought it would give her a chance to clear her head. That is until she locks herself out on the balcony in the middle of winter. Thankfully her neighbor Alec, a French children’s illustrator, comes to her rescue. He too is nursing a broken heart at the Crillon for the holidays. With a new friend by her side, Isabel is determined to use her time in the city of lights wisely. After a chance encounter with a fortune teller and a close call with a taxi, she starts to question everything she thought was important.

Christmas in Paris is a moving and heartwarming story about love, trust, and self-discovery. Set during the most magical week of the year, the glorious foods and fashions of the most romantic city in the world are sure to take your breath away.

Up Next: 

Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick 

I'm super excited about finishing one of the series that I've been wanting to read for awhile. So hopefully by the end of the month, I can mark this one off my list. Hope you all have a great Monday.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Release Day Blitz and Giveaway: THE BACHELOR AUCTION

I'm super excited to tell you about this wonderful new release by Rachel Van Dyken. Below you will find all the details about the book, author and even a glimpse inside the book. So let's get started! Hope you're all having a great day. 

The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken 
Genre: Adult Romance
Series: The Bachelors of Arizona #1
On Sale: October 4, 2016
Publisher: Forever
Formats: eBook
Price: $4.99 USD (eBook) 

 photo AddtoGoodreads_zpsl8ex8qwr.png
Cinderella never had to deal with this crap. Jane isn't entirely sure that Cinderella got such a raw deal. Sure, she had a rough start, but didn't she eventually land a prince and a happily-ever-after? Meanwhile, Jane is busy waiting on her demanding, entitled sisters, running her cleaning business, and . . . yep, not a prince in sight. Until a party and a broken shoe incident leave Jane wondering if princes---or at least, a certain deliciously hunky billionaire---maybe do exist. Except Brock Wellington isn't anyone's dream guy. Hell, a prince would never agree to be auctioned off in marriage to the highest bidder. Or act like an arrogant jerk---even if it was just a façade. Now, as Brock is waiting for the auction chopping block, he figures it's karmic retribution that he's tempted by a sexy, sassy woman he can't have. But while they can't have a fairy-tale ending, maybe they can indulge in a little bit of fantasy . . .

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor. She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!

“Jane.” It was a whisper, it was a question, and then his mouth was on hers—harsh, forceful, but so inviting she whimpered at the contact and leaned into him, begging him with her body to take what she couldn’t voice aloud.
It was a bad idea.
He was a bad idea.
Ready to be married off.
But here, in this moment, he was hers.
So she kissed him back with as much passion as she possessed, her hands digging into the front of his shirt while his teeth nipped at her bottom lip.
His hands slid beneath her shirt, unhooking her bra with ease as he nudged her thighs apart.
“You feel so soft,” he murmured against her mouth. “Perfect.” Another plundering kiss, his tongue flicking hers before his lips slid down her neck. “So damn good.”
With a moan, she pressed as close as she could against him, nearly riding his leg in an effort to get more of him.
“That’s it,” he encouraged while she clawed at him.
“Brock!” Bentley’s voice pierced the air. “Did you need help?”
Brock froze above her, his face filled with irritation. “Open that door, Bentley, and I’m selling every car you own and replacing it with a Honda!”
“You don’t mean it.” The knob turned.
Jane’s eyes widened in alarm as Brock quickly moved away from her and tossed the blanket…over her head. Right, like that was going to look normal. She pulled the blanket off her face and tried in vain to fix her bra while frantically pulling her hair back into a ponytail.
Bentley entered, took one look at both of them and smiled. “Clearly this room was dirtier than we thought?” He tilted his head at Jane. “Or maybe not dirty enough?”
“Out!” Brock barked.
“Fine,” Bentley grumbled. “I’m leaving. I just thought you should know that Grandfather called and wanted to know how the maid was working out. I told him that you’ve been helping her since she sprained her ankle. He was concerned about her finishing the job.”
“What did you say?” Brock grabbed Bentley by the shirt and gave a little shake.
Bentley held up his hands. “Chill. I told him that she would make a full recovery, that she refused to sue, and that you were taking care of the situation. Because that’s all you’re doing, right Brock? Taking care of the situation…” He peered around Brock at Jane.
Feeling suddenly more naked than she actually was, she covered herself up with the blanket.
What had she been thinking?
It was beyond unprofessional.
Tears burned the backs of her eyes.
 “Thanks, Bent.” Brock sighed, running his hands through his already mussed hair.
Bentley saluted him then added quietly. “For the record, any girl that can get Boring Brock to bend the rules is a keeper.”
Brock bit back a curse as Bentley shut the door.
“Boring Brock?” Jane asked.
“It’s about as bad as it sounds.”
“Well, I’m Plain Jane, so…I understand.”
He turned. “You’ve never been plain a day in your life.”
“I think you’ve already learned that you don’t need to give me pretty compliments to get me to kiss you.”
“You have seven freckles. You press your lips together to keep yourself from saying things you shouldn’t. You hum when you clean, and though I’m not sure what the tune is, it’s familiar. When you eat, you watch people rather than your own food, and I’m just going to come out and say it: you eat like an animal, the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen.”
Jane covered her face with her hands. “It was flattering until you said that last part.”
Brock laughed. “Seeing a woman dig into her food like she hasn’t eaten in weeks? It’s one of the most erotic visions I’ve ever had.”
Emotion flashed across his face as he made his way over to her and kissed her again, pulling away with her name on his lips. “Jane, I want you.”
“Thought I was just the help.” The walls around her heart started to slip; she felt it in the way her body rose against him. He’d noticed things about her nobody ever had, he was helping her, and he was beautiful. Was it so wrong to want this? For herself? Once in her life?
“You’re more than that, and you know it.” His eyes locked on to hers as his deep voice washed over her.
“You’re getting auctioned off in two weeks and you know it.”
He paused, his expression going completely ice cold before he looked away and then back at her. “And if I wasn’t? What then?”
“Then…” She bit down on her bottom lip. “I’d ask you to kiss me again.”
Excerpted from THE BACHELOR AUCTION by Rachel Van Dyken. Copyright © 2016 by Rachel Van Dyken. Used with permission of Grand Central Publishing. All rights reserved.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hope you all have a great day and as always... 

Monday, October 3, 2016

It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.  It's a meme where you share what you read last week, what you're currently reading and what you plan on reading that week. 

Today I'm Reading: 

I love this whole series and can't wait to continue it after I finish this one. 

Nora Grey's life is still far from perfect. Surviving an attempt on her life wasn't pleasant, but at least she got a guardian angel out of it. A mysterious, magnetic, gorgeous guardian angel. But despite his role in her life, Patch has been acting anything but angelic. He's more elusive than ever (if that's possible) and what's worse, he seems to be spending time with Nora's archenemy, Marcie Millar.

Nora would have hardly noticed Scott Parnell, an old family friend who has moved back to town, if Patch hadn't been acting so distant. Even with Scott's totally infuriating attitude, Nora finds herself drawn to him - despite her lingering feelings that he is hiding something.

If that weren't enough, Nora is haunted by images of her murdered father, and comes to question whether her Nephilim bloodline has anything to do with his death. Desperate to figure out what happened, she puts herself in increasingly dangerous situations to get the answer. But maybe some things are better left buried, because the truth could destroy everything - and everyone - she trusts.

This Week I Plan To Read: 

I'm trying to finish this series this month, it's one of the ones I want to finish before the end of the year. So far so good! 



Nora Grey can't remember the past five months of her life. After the initial shock of waking up in a cemetery and being told that she has been missing for weeks - with no one knowing where she was or who she was with - she tried to get her life back on track. Go to school, hang out with her best friend, Vee, and dodge mom's creepy new boyfriend.

But there is this voice in the back of her head, an idea that she can almost reach out and touch. Visions of angel wings and unearthly creatures that have nothing to do with the life she knows.

And this unshakable feeling that a part of her is missing.

Then Nora crosses paths with a sexy stranger, whom she feels a mesmerizing connection to. He seems to hold all the answers...and her heart. Every minute she spends with him grows more and more intense until she realizes she could be falling in love. Again.

This is one of the other series I want to finish before the end of this year, plus I'm dying to re-read this one because of the upcoming movie! YAY.  Also I have to say, this series still has some of my all-time favorite YA covers!

 What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours?

17-year-old Lucinda falls in love with a gorgeous, intelligent boy, Daniel, at her new school, the grim, foreboding Sword & Cross . . . only to find out that Daniel is a fallen angel, and that they have spent lifetimes finding and losing one another as good & evil forces plot to keep them apart.

Get ready to fall . . .

Up Next: 

Torment by Lauren Kate
Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick  

I know this list is pretty much just books from two series, but they are two series that I'm trying really hard to finish by the end of the year and possibly the end of this month, though not really sure I can read all these in one month. 


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Top 10 Tuesday: Books On My Fall TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.   It's mainly a topic based top ten posts where I'll be answering the question and showing off some books.  So if you would like to know more about this meme, CLICK HERE. 

This weeks topic is On My Fall TBR List, so below are the 10 books that are on mine. These are in no certain order, but I will start with the one I'm reading right now.

1.  The Hush Hush series has been on my TBR pile for years. This upcoming month one of my goals is to finish two series. This series is the one I have started with.  I just finished Hush Hush and have started Crescendo. So hopefully I can finish this whole series! I love reading Angels and the like during the fall, just seems like the perfect time to do so.

2. The Fallen series by Lauren Kate is another one that's been on my list for a long time. I've read book one and two, though I'll have to re-read them again since I want to finish the whole series. I have the first three on my shelf already, so I'll be reading them soon!

3. So every year about this time, I like to re-read the whole Harry Potter series, yep I'm adding another series to my lovely list! Who else does a re-read of Harry Potter every year? I know I'm not the only one.

4. The Lucky Ones by Nicholas Sparks - This is another book that's been on my tbr pile for some time now. The reason I'm picking this one to add to my lovely fall list is mainly the colors on this cover! I love them and they look fallish to me.

5. Metaltown by Kristen Simmons - Another fallish looking cover, plus I just got this beautiful book and I'm dying to read it!

6. The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan - Another fall looking book, but I've been wanting to continue reading this series for awhile, so I think it's time!

7. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins - Another type of book that I like to read during the Fall is books about witches, so Hex Hall is one that I've been wanting to read for awhile and I would love to get to this one this fall.

8. Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger - Yet again another fall looking cover and one that's also been on my shelf for a few years.

9. Wicked by Gregory Maguire - Do I really have to explain this one? I love this story and have wanted to read it for awhile. I've seen it live now twice! I have a different copy than the one above, I have the Barnes and Noble edition, but I couldn't find an image of that one.

10. Sabriel by Garth Nix - Another fantastic sounding book that's been on my TBR list for awhile. I think it's time to get to this one as well.

So there you have it, my top ten list for today! It's rather long, but I think I picked some amazing books for the fall!

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