Monday, June 27, 2016

It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.  It's a meme where you share what you read last week, what you're currently reading and what you plan on reading that week. 

This Week I Plan To Read 

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

I really enjoyed the first book in this series and can't wait to start this one.

 If you could steal things from dreams, what would you take?

Ronan Lynch has secrets. Some he keeps from others. Some he keeps from himself.

One secret: Ronan can bring things out of his dreams.

And sometimes he's not the only one who wants those things.

Ronan is one of the raven boys—a group of friends, practically brothers, searching for a dead king named Glendower, who they think is hidden somewhere in the hills by their elite private school, Aglionby Academy. The path to Glendower has long lived as an undercurrent beneath town. But now, like Ronan's secrets, it is beginning to rise to the surface—changing everything in its wake.

Of The Raven Boys, Entertainment Weekly wrote, "Maggie Stiefvater's can't-put-it-down paranormal adventure will leave you clamoring for book two." Now the second book is here, with the same wild imagination, dark romance, and heart-stopping twists that only Maggie Stiefvater can conjure.

Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken

Again another book series that I loved the first book and can't wait to read this one. I'll be listening to this one, like I did the first. 

Ruby never asked for the abilities that almost cost her her life. Now she must call upon them on a daily basis, leading dangerous missions to bring down a corrupt government and breaking into the minds of her enemies. Other kids in the Children’s League call Ruby “Leader”, but she knows what she really is: a monster.

When Ruby is entrusted with an explosive secret, she must embark on her most dangerous mission yet: leaving the Children’s League behind. Crucial information about the disease that killed most of America’s children—and turned Ruby and the others who lived into feared and hated outcasts—has survived every attempt to destroy it. But the truth is only saved in one place: a flashdrive in the hands of Liam Stewart, the boy Ruby once believed was her future—and who now wouldn’t recognize her.

As Ruby sets out across a desperate, lawless country to find Liam—and answers about the catastrophe that has ripped both her life and America apart—she is torn between old friends and the promise she made to serve the League. Ruby will do anything to protect the people she loves. But what if winning the war means losing herself?

So this is my list for this week, getting back in the swing of things so I figured my list should stay a little small.  Anyway, what's on your reading list for this week? 


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ali Talks: Life

So I know I haven't been posting on this blog lately, life has decided to kick my butt this past month and the blog has fallen to the way side. That is stopping today! I feel horrible that this has happened, but I'm going to give you a glimpse of what has been going on, in hopes that you might understand. I don't usually share much of my personal life here on the blog, I'm usually a very private person, but there again it's time to do so. 

See I was supposed to get married this month, on the 11th to be exact. Well, we had to cancel the wedding, the only reason being is that my amazing fiancé, who would do anything for anyone, has a disease that they don't know how to treat. This said disease, well it somehow morphed into another disease that only three other people has had. Which of course they don't know how to treat that either. Now I'm not telling you all of this to get you to feel sorry for him or me, but I'm telling you this so you might understand me a little more.  His disease attacks his kidney's and makes him terrible ill and at times swell up. He was on chemo for it and it worked for awhile, now though it's gotten worse and he's on dialysis. (Which is a whole other story and I really don't want to get into it.)

So we pushed the wedding back and we're not sure when we will be able to actually say I Do and be married. I of course, had to contact all vendors and let them know. Cancelling a wedding is not easy. I had one vendor that got really angry and demanded full price, which isn't how you do business and I refused and told him to look at the contract. The others were amazing! Anyway, on top of all of this, it's Summer Vacation and my kids are running around like crazy, which I wouldn't have any other way. I haven't had much time to read, (Which I'm changing tonight, I'm making the time!) or do anything else for that matter. 

 If you know me personally, you know that I'm usually a very strong person. I can take a lot and keep going, but lately after everything I've had to deal with I just needed a break from the not so required and just worried about the things that need to be done. I've kind of been on autopilot and I hate feeling that way. Today though, I made a promise to myself that I would start making time for this blog and reading, starting today! Right this minute, I have several reviews drafted and other posts drafted as well.  This week this blog is going back to normally scheduled programming. 

I just hope you all will stick with me, thank you to all that have throughout the past several years. You all are amazing! Wish I could give each and every one of you a hug. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Teaser Tuesday #95

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Books and a Beat. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser.

"I think it's if. They all say if." "Bummer. So you're never going to kiss anyone?" "Looks that way." 


Sorry I haven't been around this month, it's been a really rough month for me in real life. My wedding was supposed to happen this month and we had to push it back due to health issues. So I've been spending time getting hold of vendors and all that. Plus it was my birthday, so it's been a crazy month.  I'm back now and have got a great deal of reviews to share with you.  So get ready for some reviews, hopefully I'll have a few up this week and a few next week.  Also a few movie reviews as well are coming. 

Hope you all have a great Tuesday!! 

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