So I know I haven't been posting on
this blog lately, life has decided to kick my butt this past month and the blog
has fallen to the way side. That is stopping today! I feel horrible that this
has happened, but I'm going to give you a glimpse of what has been going on, in
hopes that you might understand. I don't usually share much of my personal life
here on the blog, I'm usually a very private person, but there again it's time
to do so.
See I was supposed to get married
this month, on the 11th to be exact. Well, we had to cancel the wedding, the
only reason being is that my amazing fiancé, who would do anything for anyone,
has a disease that they don't know how to treat. This said disease, well it
somehow morphed into another disease that only three other people has had.
Which of course they don't know how to treat that either. Now I'm not telling
you all of this to get you to feel sorry for him or me, but I'm telling you
this so you might understand me a little more. His disease attacks his
kidney's and makes him terrible ill and at times swell up. He was on chemo for
it and it worked for awhile, now though it's gotten worse and he's on dialysis.
(Which is a whole other story and I really don't want to get into it.)
So we pushed the wedding back and
we're not sure when we will be able to actually say I Do and be married. I of
course, had to contact all vendors and let them know. Cancelling a wedding is
not easy. I had one vendor that got really angry and demanded full price, which
isn't how you do business and I refused and told him to look at the contract.
The others were amazing! Anyway, on top of all of this, it's Summer Vacation
and my kids are running around like crazy, which I wouldn't have any other way.
I haven't had much time to read, (Which I'm changing tonight, I'm making the
time!) or do anything else for that matter.
If you know me personally, you
know that I'm usually a very strong person. I can take a lot and keep going,
but lately after everything I've had to deal with I just needed a break from
the not so required and just worried about the things that need to be done.
I've kind of been on autopilot and I hate feeling that way. Today though, I
made a promise to myself that I would start making time for this blog and
reading, starting today! Right this minute, I have several reviews drafted and
other posts drafted as well. This week this blog is going back to
normally scheduled programming.
I just hope you all will stick with
me, thank you to all that have throughout the past several years. You all are
amazing! Wish I could give each and every one of you a hug.
missdespres 36p · 456 weeks ago