Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Homeschool: The First Few Weeks

Alright I know, you're looking at the title of this post and wondering what in the world I'm doing posting something about homeschool here on Ali's Bookshelf. Right? Well I'm hoping you will enduldge me for a few and let you into my life for a little bit. I don't usually post life posts here on my blog, but like I've been saying for a few years now I really want to. So here's the new plan, I will be posting some homeschool posts here on the blog every once in awhile and more than likely will have some vids on my Youtube channel as well soon. 

As some of you might know already, well okay a lot of you know already at least by the title anyway, that I'm a homeschool mom now! The reason's I decided to homeschool is actually going to be posted in another post very soon, but let's just say that it had a lot to do with the school's around me and them not wanting to teach my autistic son. Now with that being said, I am only homeschooling my son, my daughter wanted to stay in school. So that was her choice.  

 Today I want to give you a glimpse into my life the past couple of weeks and show you what I've been up to. I know I haven't posted here much and that's the main reason. I do plan to change that very soon! I've read a lot of books, so I have a bunch of reviews to write and post, this is your warning...get ready!

The first couple of weeks of our Homeschool, which is called Justice Academy, has been a whirlwind of change for us. It's been great for my son and I've actually enjoyed it as well. At first, I was so nervous, doing as much research as I could and worried I wouldn't know what to do, but as I started to plan and get in the groove of actually teaching it started to become enjoyable. I get so much more time with my little man, who is in 6th grade now and doing the 8th-grade math. Which is crazy to me! Just saying.

There are hurdles we have to cross, with him being autistic we have to do short lessons and take a lot of breaks but the best thing is it's up to us what we do and how long we work on each lesson. He gets what he needs and that was my main goal when I started this journey.  I wanted him to love reading and learning again, which is something he was really hating. I never wanted my kids to hate reading, you all know that I love it and have been reading to them since, well before they were even born. So as a mom who loves reading it broke my heart to see him start to hate it. Now even with it only being our third week officially, he's back to loving it. Because I give him the choice on what to read and I get the chance to read to him. Which you all know I'm loving just as much as he is.

Anyway, let's take a look at what we've done in the past couple weeks.

This is just a few images of my son doing his work throughout a few of the days. Mostly math which he loves. The book above is going to be reviewed here shortly on the blog. He loved it and got a huge kick out of how the actual book felt like a Lego. Go Scholastic for that one! 

We did a really cool science experiment too where we left a raw egg in vinegar, did you all know that it would eat the shell off of the egg and the egg would bunch after 7 days? Seriously, I had no clue.  

We have a lot of fun in our homeschool, but he's learning so much and for that, I'm a proud Momma!  Oh and I almost forgot he's learning to type. He has a hard time writing and it frustrates him because his hand doesn't have the muscle memory to actually hold the pencil for long periods of time, anyway, I'm teaching him to type which he's loving so far.  Also have plans for a cooking class!

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into our homeschool life and I hope you all don't mind these types of posts here on the blog. If you would like to see more, please leave me a comment below and I will gladly post more. Also if you would like to see more, you can always follow me over on Instagram,  I post on my daily stories images throughout our day. 


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