This is Down the TBR Hole, I used to post these, but just recently but it always helped me clear out some of the books that I no longer want to read. Anyway, this meme was created by Lost in a Story, sadly right now she's on a hiatus and isn't really posting right now.
I found the post again over at Cornerfolds blog and I knew I needed to get back to this meme! Currently my TBR shelf on Goodreads is way over 2000 books, so I really need to work on getting that number down.
I found the post again over at Cornerfolds blog and I knew I needed to get back to this meme! Currently my TBR shelf on Goodreads is way over 2000 books, so I really need to work on getting that number down.
Anyway, here are the rules of Down the TBR Hole!
- Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
- Read the synopses of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
Now I just recently added this book to my list, so I'm pretty sure I still want to keep this one there for now. I've heard some mixed reviews, so it might come back up in another Down the TBR Hole later.
Verdict: Keep for now
This is one of the books I bought at RAGT 2018, so I'm keeping this one on my list. It's actually one of the books I want to read soon.
Verdict: Keep
When I first heard about this book in 2010 it sounded really good and I really wanted to read it. It's one of those books that got pushed aside for other books that I had to read for publishing companies. Honestly, it still sounds really good to me, so I think I'm going to boost it up my TBR list and finally read this one.
Verdict: Keep
This is one of the books that a friend of mine told me about and at the time it sounded like something I would enjoy, now after reading the summary it just doesn't sound like a book that I could get into. I think I'm going to have to Pass on this one!
Verdict: Pass
After reading the summary for this one, I don't think I'm actually going to read it. It's another book that I was told was good by a friend and I added it to my list. Don't actually have the book, so it won't hurt to take it off my list. Chasing Power doesn't really sound like a book that I would enjoy. So the Verdict is...
Verdict: Pass
I feel pretty good about this one! How do you all think I did? Did I give up too easily on any of these?
Total number of books deleted: 2
Total number of books kept: 3
Let me know your thoughts on these books? Should I have kept any that I passed on?