Sunday, December 15, 2019

Blog Tour: An Alaskan Christmas Review

I am super excited to be part of this tour and share my thoughts on a few of these fantastic books. Right now I want to tell you all about author Jennifer Snow's newest release An Alaskan Christmas
I received this book for free in exchange for my honest thoughts and review. This does not affect the way I view the book in any way!  

 An Alaskan Christmas by Jennifer Snow 
Publisher: Harlequin
Published:  September 24th 2019
Format: E-ARC
Pages: 384 pages
Series: Wild River #1

In Alaska, it’s always a white Christmas—but the sparks flying between two reunited friends could turn it red-hot…

If there’s one gift Erika Sheraton does not want for Christmas, it’s a vacation. Ordered to take time off, the workaholic surgeon reluctantly trades in her scrubs for a ski suit and heads to Wild River, Alaska. Her friend Cassie owns a tour company that offers adventures to fit every visitor. But nothing compares to the adrenaline rush Erika feels on being reunited with Cassie’s brother, Reed Reynolds.

Gone is the buttoned-up girl Reed remembers. His sister’s best friend has blossomed into a strong, skilled, confident woman. She’s exactly what his search-and-rescue team needs—and everything he didn’t know he craved. The gulf between his life in Wild River and her big-city career is wide. But it’s no match for a desire powerful enough to melt two stubborn hearts…

 When I was asked to be part of this tour, I knew there was a great selection of books to choose from, I mean come on look at that list on the banner! Anyway, I loved the cover of this one and that made me want to read it. Then I looked at the summary and I knew right away I wanted to add this one to the list of reviews on my blog. 

I've never read anything by author Jennifer Snow and I'm so glad I took this chance to read An Alaskan Christmas because now I'm hooked on her writing style.  The best thing about it is how easily I was hooked and it just flowed so well. It's such an easy read, but at the same time, An Alaskan Christmas was such an intriguing story. I just fell right into the book and lived it right along with the characters. Or at least that's how it felt. 

I just love these types of stories when it comes to Christmas books. I can't get enough of them. I love how it was his sister's best friend and now he's like wow. Even if they do fight it a little! I loved these characters so much. I cheered for them to get together and was so happy once it finally happened. (Seriously I was cheering out loud while I read this story.) Yep, I'm one of those readers! 

I can't wait to read more of author Jennifer Snow's books now that I love her writing so much! I want to thank Harlequin for introducing me to a new to me author, one that I love and for letting me part of this tour! If you haven't picked up your copy of An Alaskan Christmas, you should do that today! It's a fantastic and cozy read, perfect for the holiday season. 

I'm giving An Alaskan Christmas by author Jennifer Snow,  Ali's Bookshelf rating of...

Jennifer Snow lives in Edmonton, Alberta with her husband and four year old son. She is a member of the RWA, the Alberta Writers Guild, Canadian Authors Association and Her first Brookhollow book was a finalist in the Heart of Denver Aspen Gold contest and the Golden Quill Award. More information can be found at

Social Links:

Twitter: @JenniferSnow18
Instagram: @jensnowauthor

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