Monday, April 15, 2013

Author Feature: Day in the Life of D.A. Adams

So today, I am super excited to have the author of The Brotherhood of Dwaves series with us to tell us a little bit about how his day goes.  I love what he's done with this post and can't wait to share it with you all.  So please Enjoy!!!

Day in the Life of author D.A. Adams

Science has long pondered how creativity occurs within the human brain. The persistent question remains whether it is a product of higher level thinking or a form of mental disease. To find answers, author D.A. Adams was observed last summer as he wrote the manuscript for Between Dark and Light, book four of The Brotherhood of Dwarves series. The following is a summary of one anthropologist’s recordings of the daily life of a creative person’s activities:

Day 1, Week 1

Subject appeared enthusiastic and energetic as day began. Breakfast and coffee in morning, followed by full day of outdoor activity. Social activity appeared normal. After shower and supper, subject began writing at 10:05 PM. First thirty minutes appeared to be prolonged period of procrastination. Once actual work began, subject wrote for three hours uninterrupted and seemed pleased by productivity. At 3:30 AM, subject drifted off to sleep.

Day 5, Week 1

Subject remains enthusiastic about project. Morning ritual of breakfast and coffee remained intact, followed by outdoor labor, which seemed to invigorate subject. Procrastination period began at 10:04 PM, within the week’s norm. Subject still seemed pleased with three hour productivity and was asleep by 3:15 AM.

Day 3, Week 2

Subject woke later than usual this morning. Food consumption decreased; however coffee intake doubled. Outdoor activity appeared normal. Thirty minute procrastination period seems to be some form of preliminary ritual, as subject repeats patterns of behavior during this period, including checking Facebook, responding to emails, listening to music, and playing eleven hands of Free Cell before writing commences. Enthusiasm remained high, but energy level seemed to diminish slightly. Sleep pattern seemed consistent.

Day 5, Week 3

Subject appeared especially enthusiastic about last night’s productivity. Social interaction included multiple phone calls and text messages with inner circle to discuss a particular scene. Rain eliminated outdoor activities, so subject entertained himself by watching House marathon and cleaning kitchen. Procrastination period appeared consistent. Productivity appeared to increase slightly. Sleep pattern shifted half an hour later.

Day 3, Week 4

Subject continued to exude enthusiasm over project, but social interaction diminished slightly. Coffee intake continued to increase. Personal hygiene has decreased slightly as subject now bathes every other day. Shaving has ceased altogether. Subject’s life partner appeared displeased with this development but remained supportive. Daily productivity remained consistent.

Day 6, Week 5

Subject added sixth day to weekly schedule, citing complex formula of page output versus approaching deadline. Enthusiasm waned slightly, and energy levels continued to decline. Coffee consumption surpassed recommended levels. Social interaction continued to decline, now limited to life partner, parental units, and offspring. While productivity remained high by subject’s standards, enthusiasm has morphed into deranged sense of obsession. Sleep pattern continued to shift later.

Day 5, Week 6

Subject continued to engage in outdoor activities, but the previous invigorating renewal seemed diminished. Subject continued productivity but seemed worried about some development within the project, expressing to life partner he’s not sure how to fix a particular dilemma. Life partner continued encouragement but appeared more concerned with diminishing personal hygiene.

Day 1, Week 8

All social interaction ceased, except for offspring and life partner. Subject now rarely leaves house and personal hygiene continues to decline. This observer is concerned with subject’s health as coffee consumption has reached dangerous levels. Alcohol consumption has also increased. Subject displays many anti-social tendencies and spends most daylight hours mumbling to self about plot holes. Daily productivity remained impressively consistent.

Day 5, Week 10

Subject has not bathed in three days and no longer brushes hair. Life partner appeared visibly concerned. Social interaction remained barely existent. Subject exhibited what previous cultures might have deemed “possessed” behavior, including sleeping after noon, staring at walls, mumbling incoherently to self, and barely eating.

Day 6, Week 11

Observer now extremely concerned with subject. Intervention may be imminent. Life partner now begs subject to bathe. Mumbling to self now replaced by gentle weeping with only the word “deadline” decipherable. Daily productivity remained consistent.

Day 7, Week 12

Subject displayed signs of imminent nervous breakdown. Enthusiasm and energy nonexistent. Observer has contacted superiors with concerns. Subject barely sleeps or eats and has combined coffee and alcohol intake. Life partner remained supportive but showed signs of serious concern, including conversations with subject’s parental units. Shockingly, productivity increased.

Day 5, Week 13

Subject declared manuscript nearly complete but wept openly with cries of self-doubt. Social interaction and personal hygiene nonexistent. Observer now convinced subject is clinically insane. Superiors notified.

Day 2, Week 14

Subject completed final scene of manuscript and woke life partner at 4:32 AM to share news. Life partner expressed congratulations and resumed sleep. Subject walked around house, displaying signs of mania. Observer fled scene.

Day 3, Week 14

Subject slept for 23 consecutive hours.

Day 4, Week 14

Subject bathed and shaved, Life partner expressed significant delight and gratitude. Social activity, coffee consumption, and eating habits returned to normal levels. Alcohol consumption remained alarmingly high. Other than deep circles beneath eyes, subject displayed no signs of previous “possessed” behavior.
As one can see from this summary, science still has no answers for the source of creativity.

Thanks so much for sharing this glimpse into your day, D.A. Adams and thanks for being on the blog today! 

D.A. Adams was born in Florida but was raised in East Tennessee. He received a Master of Arts in Writing from the University of Memphis in 1999 and has taught college English for over a decade. His first novel, The Brotherhood of Dwarves, was released in 2005 and has been described as a solid, honest work about camaraderie, bravery, and sacrifice, a very personal journey, more interested in the ways that a person is changed by life's events than in epic battles and high magic. In 2008, the sequel, Red Sky at Dawn, was released to the exaltation that this novel thunders along, at times with dizzying speed. The action is visceral and imaginative without being gratuitous. Book three, The Fall of Dorkhun, came out in 2011, followed by book four, Between Dark and Light, in 2012. In terms of writing style, Adams exhibits an effortless narrative voice and a masterful balance between richly detailed descriptions and tightly worded minimalism. The pacing of his stories is breathtaking, with relentless action and captivating plot twists that keep readers riveted page after page. But his true talent as a writer lies in character development. Readers find themselves empathizing with, fearing for, and cheering on the characters as they overcome their personal shortcomings and grow as fully rendered individuals. Adams is also the father of two wonderful sons and, despite his professional accomplishments, maintains that they are his greatest achievement in life. He resides in East Tennessee.

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