This feature provides reviews of individual short stories. This meme was created by 365 Days of Reading. I wont be posting these every Saturday, but I will be as much as I can.
Title: Vampires Don't Sparkle
Story: A New Life
Author: J.F. Gonzalez
What would you do if you had unlimited power and eternal life? Would you…go back to high school? Attend the same classes year after year, going through the pomp and circumstance of one graduation after another, until you found the perfect date to take to prom? Would you…spend your days moping and brooding, finding your only joy in a game of baseball on a stormy day? Or would you…do something else? The authors of this collection have a few ideas; some fanciful, some humorous, and some as dark as an endless night. Join us, and discover what it truly means to be “vampyre.” Edited by Michael West Foreword by Michael West “A New Life” by J. F. Gonzalez “What Once was Flesh” by Tim Waggoner “The Darkton Circus Mystery” by Elizabeth Massie “Robot Vampire” by R. J. Sullivan “Beneath a Templar Cross” by Gord Rollo “The Weapon of Memory” by Kyle S. Johnson “The Excavation” by Stephen Zimmer “Skraeling” by Joel A. Sutherland “Dreams of Winter” by Bob Freeman “Dracula’s Winkee: Bloodsucker Blues” by Gregory L. Hall “I Fuck Your Sunshine” by Lucy A. Snyder “A Soldier’s Story” by Maurice Broaddus “Rattenkönig” by Douglas F. Warrick “Vampire Nation” by Jerry Gordon “Curtain Call” by Gary A. Braunbeck A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to cancer research institutions to fight the real horrors of Cancer.
This book is an amazing book full of great short stories. The one I am going to review today is called A New Life. I was so stunned but in love with this story. I was stunned only because I was expecting gore and killing. This story is different but in the same way its spectacular. It tells a story about a guy who is a theft who hits the same place every year at the same time and he never gets caught. But, this time he does, he gets caught but something other than human and he knows that pretty much right away.
I don't want to give to much away of this story, but I love the way it turns out. So much so that I would love for this author to write more of this story so I can know what else happens.
If you haven't read this story or book, its a must, if your a person that loves Vampires that aren't weak and don't sparkle of course.