Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Author Interivew with the author of Love & The Goddess Mary E. Coen

So today I have the lovely author Mary Elizabeth Coen with us for an author interview and an excerpt of her great book Love & The Goddess.  

      Did you have a say in the covers of your books? (I must say that I love them!)
Not much say in my original cover as I paid for a package with a self publishing company and expected to see it a t various stages but had the end result handed to me – fait accomplit! Since I’d ordered 2,000 paperbacks it would have delayed the printing process if I waited for another cover a t the time.
I recently had my cover re-designed for kindle and worked closely each step of the way with Jeanine Henning. I love it and it hints at the fun element of the story.

     Who was the intended audience of your books?
I think my book appeals to a wide age group. It is very much a Sex & the City meets Eat, Pray, Love story and I would have expected it to be solely for women. My protagonist is in her forties yet men and women as young as eighteen are reading it. One of my fans and reviewers is a nineteen year old guy. Recently a man in his sixties told me he is a fan, so you can’t get a broader base than that.

      How much research went into your book?
I can be quiet a nerd when it comes to research as I love cross referencing information. I studied various spiritual traditions to get an understanding of how the divine feminine (goddess) is represented and understood in very different areas. In a practical sense my research included internet dating and going on dates. I also travelled to Brazil, Peru and Mexico both for my own reasons and also in the interest of research.

      If you could no longer write, what career would you choose instead?
I’m a former teacher and I love to impart knowledge so I would choose to be a full time motivational speaker. Presently I coach and lecture in the areas of meditation, wellness and nutrition.

       If you could live someone else’s life for two weeks, whose life would you choose?
I would love to step into the shoes and mind of Paulo Coelho because he has been such an inspiration to people the world over. Also he seems to continuously attract very interesting people who tell him their stories.


“Are you mad? They could be crazies!” I was about to turn away when the wrought-iron door opened wide.

“Hello, ladies,” said one of the most fascinating-looking men I had ever met. Of indeterminable age, anywhere between thirty five and fifty, his facial features were so strong and outrageously unusual; he qualified as both ugly and beautiful. Ebony black skin, wide nose, wide lips, cheekbones so sharp they could slice cheese. With huge expressive eyes and a charming smile, the effect was totally disarming. “We’ve been expecting you. Adolfo’s inside. I’m Nat.”

Ella smiled at me and I felt as if I was compelled by a supernatural force to go along with whatever was about to unfold, despite wondering had I taken leave of my senses. As we followed Nat through the house, Ella nudged me, nodding at his trim torso visible through a black t-shirt over denim-clad snake hips. With his graceful, animal-like stride, he led us down the cool white stucco-plastered corridor into a large villa-style living room. There he introduced me to Adolfo, a short, stocky man in his early fifties with an air of business and a whiff of Cuban cigars about him. Ella had told me on the way there that Adolfo was originally from Rio de Janiero, but she hadn’t told me anything about this other man.


One woman, One myth, Three Goddesses A woman’s voyage of self discovery begins on the internet leading all the way to Brazil and onto the Andean highlands of Peru. Devastated from her relationship break- up, Kate Canavan is at a loss until she re-discovers a hidden painting of the triple Goddess from Greek mythology. Her interest in mythology and spirituality is re-ignited. A voyage of self discovery begins with internet dating using the names of each of the Goddesses in the triple myth. When a health scare intervenes Kate and her friends go together to visit a famous healer in Brazil and a spiritual guru in Peru, where all three friends begin spiritual journeys of forgiveness, gratitude and learning to live in the now. Read it to find out if Kate finds love along the way. Below is an excerpt from this fantastic book, there will be more excerpts posted on the other blogs for the tour each day. Enjoy!

Living in Ireland, Mary Elizabeth Coen is a former Home Economics teacher and lifestyle journalist. Though she always dreamed of being a writer, Mary Elizabeth took a rather circuitous route getting there. You could say she has had several incarnations in this lifetime from Home Economics teacher to Fashion Editor of a magazine, along with being mother to three wonderful children, Mark, Janet and Emily. Due to demand from clients she opened her own pr consultancy firm specializing in fashion; – the dream job for a fashionista, availing of great discounts on wonderful shoes and vintage clothing. Unfortunately the five inch stilettos had to go when Mary’s health deteriorated and she received a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Work too, had to take a back seat as Mary sought to maintain optimum health and became interested in holistic medicine and personal development. In the process, she developed a passion for mythology, philosophy and the study of ancient spiritual traditions. As a seeker, she travelled to Mayan sites in Mexico, visited a famous healer’s ashram in Brazil and undertook a shamanic journey through Peru. Mary’s book Love & the Goddess is based on her travels. Mary is now in robust good health, working as a full-time author and stress management lecturer, while also running a website called Goddess MECA. The acronym is for Mary Elizabeth Coen Assists the Goddess in everywoman through sharing her love of cookery fashion and mythology. Mary brings her experience from teaching, using tools that are practical and easily integrated into every day busy lives. Her clients range from private individuals and businesses, to larger corporate bodies.


Amazon.com -  http://ow.ly/kBhEP

Amazon.co.uk -  http://tinyurl.com/onw3pcy

Website: – www.goddessmeca.com

Twitter: – @goddessmeca

Goodreads -http://tinyurl.com/kvepm7h

Thanks so much for being here today Mary, we look forward to reading more of your books and sharing them with our readers! Happy Reading everyone. 


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