Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day Four: Book Blogger New Year's Challenge 2014

Day 4: Today we are to make a list of those books that come out this year that we won't miss no matter what.  I have my list, what is on yours? Some of the series that I love the third books in the series are being released this year so it's going to be a very exciting year for me.  

Rapunzel’s tower is a satellite. She can’t let down her hair—or her guard. In this third book in the bestselling Lunar Chronicles series, Cinder and Captain Thorne are fugitives on the run, with Scarlet and Wolf in tow. Together, they’re plotting to overthrow Queen Levana and her army. Their best hope lies with Cress, who has been trapped on a satellite since childhood with only her netscreens as company. All that screen time has made Cress an excellent hacker—unfortunately, she’s just received orders from Levana to track down Cinder and her handsome accomplice. When a daring rescue goes awry, the group is separated. Cress finally has her freedom, but it comes at a high price. Meanwhile, Queen Levana will let nothing stop her marriage to Emperor Kai. Cress, Scarlet, and Cinder may not have signed up to save the world, but they may be the only ones who can.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Book Blogger New Years Challenge 2014: Day 3

Day 3, we are to share the books we are sad that we missed in 2013.  This list could have been huge for me, because I missed so many of them.  I have them sitting on my shelf, unread.  :( 

So let's get this list started shall we, just click on the titles below the images to take you it's Goodread's list. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Book Bloggers New Years Challenge: Day 2

So day two, today we have to share our Pro's and Con's list of blogging.  This shouldn't be too hard so let's get this going. 


  • I enjoy blogging and sharing my love of reading with everyone
  • I enjoy talking about the books I love, where else can I just talk about a book all that I want too and no one is going to tell me to shut up. 
  • I get to read books before others in the public do.
  • I get to know other bookish people. (Love this one, I've meet some amazing people due to blogging.) 
  • Bookish Events

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Book Blogger New Year's Challenge 2014: Day 1

So today is the first day of 2014, can you believe it? I know I can't, where did the year go? But anyway, this year I have some big plans for this blog and my Youtube channel as well.  Right now I want to share with you all this little challenge I am participating in.  It's the Book Blogger New Year's Challenge 2014.  It's hosted by the amazing Parajunkee.  

I know I haven't been posting very much, I've been in a major funk and that is about to change! The past several months, I've lost all the fun in book blogging and reading.  It's totally sad and trust me I was totally upset about it.  So this year I have some great plans to make sure that doesn't happen. 

But anyway, this challenge is a 14 day challenge where each day you post something on the list that Parajunkee has created for us.  Today is the first day, so let's get started. 

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