It's that time again and I hadn't even realized it, till this morning. I knew it was coming but forgot to make my post so I kind of forgot about the date. For those that don't happen to know what Bout of Books is, it's a read-a-thon that I try to participate in at least once a year. To learn more or sign up...CLICK HERE.
Anyway, today is the day and I wanted to share my reading plans with you. Now these might change mainly because I am such a mood reader. I'm going to try to read about 4 books this go around. That's usally my average and since it's going to be way too hot here this week I think it's perfect inside reading weather!
Below are the books that I plan on reading this week, like I said I don't usually post TBR's because I'm such a mood reader, but you all know by now this list might change. At the end of the week I will post a wrap up and show you all exactly what I did end up reading.
Now these are the ones that I really want to get to this month, so hopefully I can finish these this week and have the rest of the month to read the others I've been dying to get to!
Chey · 356 weeks ago