Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Janurary's TBR Plan

Hey everyone! It's 2019, can you believe it? Totally crazy right. Anyway, since it's the first day of Janurary I wanted to start the year off right with my TBR Plan for the first month of the year. I'm going to give these posts a try once again and see if it works for me. I don't want pressure in my reading this year so I'm going to stick with the plan not a list, just a plan. Taking the pressure out of reading/reviewing really helped me last year, but I still want to read a certain amount and it to be a little more organized. So hence the plan! 

So let's start off with how last months TBR went. 

How December Went

December didn't go as planned, but then again with all the stuff that life brought me in December I totally know why. I did however get a few books read. My orignal TBR post can be found here.  

I wasn't able to finish any of the books on the list, I did start two of them, I'm half way through the one and ended up sadly DNFing the other. So I didn't do too bad. The main reasons I didn't start the others was that I just wasn't in the mood for Christmas books any longer. I needed something different. 

I did however finish another book. 

 My Angel by Alanea Alder 

This series has become a favorite of mine and they're my go to books when I need a good laugh. I had a really rough month in December and these books got me through. So I did have an okay reading month even though all the choas. 


The Plan for Janurary

So sticking with the plan, here is the books I plan on reading this month. 

First off the first book I'm reading this year is a re-read, but one that is very near and dear to my heart. I know I'm probably going to get some kind of slack for this, but I needed a book to start off the year that I love! So I'm re-reading Twilight! Started it last night actually. 

As for the rest of my TBR plan for Janurary...

For Review (E-Arc's): Famous in a Small Town by Emma Mills, The Best of Us by Robyn Carr, and One Tough Cowboy by Lora Leigh

For Review  (Physical ARC): Outwalkers by Fiona Shaw 
Owned Copy: By the Light of the Moon by Jodi Vaughn

I have a few others sitting on my TBR cart that I might get to if I finish these! You never know with mood reading though. By the way have you all seen my new TBR cart, I'm in love with it and don't know why I didn't get one sooner. Really wish I had! Anyway, if you haven't seen it here's the instagram image I posted in December. Also if you don't follow me on Instagram you so should. CLICK here to do so.

That second shelf is full of books that I really want to get to soon, so if I finish the books above I'll be picking from those! Anyway, I hope you are all having a great first day to the new year! Happy New Year if you didn't see yesterday's post and as always...



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