Saturday, December 1, 2018

December TBR Plan

So as you can see I finally decided to test the waters and post a TBR, but as you can also see I've sort changed it up a bit. I'm trying to take away the pressure that a TBR used to put on me, honestly I think it was more of blogger pressure than reading pressure, but we shall see. Anyway, the idea behind this came from Girl in the Pages. Her TBR's are called a plan and I thought that was very fitting for me. It's just a plan, not a have to!  If you haven't checked her blog out, please go do so now, she's one of my favorite bloggers/blogs. I read this one pretty much every time she posts. 

Anyway, here we go. 

Reading Goal: 60 Books...So far this year I've read 114! 

I can't believe I've already reached my goal and have actually gone over, normally by this time I'm reading any and every small book I can get my hands on just to get caught up! This has been a great reading year and I'm super excited to start the next one. 

Here are my reading plans for December... Like I said above, these are just the plans and I'll let you know at the end of the month how this goes.


ARC'S (For Review)

(These ARC's are all for Jan 2019)

That's Not What I Heard - I'm really excited to read this one! It sounds wonderful and something that I'm going to enjoy. It also sounds like a fast and exciting read. 

Secondhand Wishes - Now this one I honestly just got from Scholastic a couple of days ago. It looks and sounds fantastic. Can't wait to see if I'm right about this one. I'll make sure to let you all know my thoughts as soon as I'm finished. 

The Ice Garden - This book is the one, out of the three, that I'm the most excited about. I've had this one for about a month and it keeps calling to me...Read me! If you don't know about this book, go check this one out. It sounds amazing and right up my alley! I mean come on who wouldn't get excited about a magic ice garden? 

Newer Release 

Amber & Dusk - This book was just released in November but I didn't get to it! It's another one that I keep looking at and dying to dive into. It's another fantasty story and I love reading those at any time of the year.  

Back Titles 

Still Me - This is a book that I started but stopped and put it on hold for a little bit. Mainly because I'm scared it's going to disapoint so much. I loved the first book, like cried my eyes out but loved it so much. The second not so much, but I still liked it. I'm worried about this one, but I still have to know what happens! Have you ever felt like that? 

The Afterlife of Holly Chase - I meant to read this one last year, but when I ordered it from Amazon it didn't come in fast enough. By the time it did it was already after Christmas. So I promised myself I would read it this year! If you don't know anything about this one, it's supposed to be like the Scrooge story. The top line on the book cover got my attention. Every Scrooge deserves a second chance... 



Alright, so there is my first TBR in a long time, but then again I feel good about it just being a plan. No pressure! I'll let you know how I do at the end of the month. I hope you all have a great month and wish me luck.  

Have you read any of these books? What's your reading plan this month? I would love to know what you're reading! 


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