Monday, June 22, 2020

Review and Giveaway: The Summer Deal by Jill Shalvis

I am super excited to be part of this blog tour and bring you my thoughts on The Summer Deal by Jill Shalvis. As a lot of you already know, Jill Shalvis is one of my all time favorite authors. So, I always jump at the chance to be part of her blog tours. I want to thank William Morrow/Harper Collins publishing for letting me be part of this tour and for sending me this fantastic book for review.

Remember my thoughts on all reviews are my own and just because I receive the book for review doesn't sway my opinion at at all!

The Summer Deal by
Jill Shalvis

Publisher:  William Morrow Paperbacks
Published Date: June 2nd 2020
Format: Paperback
Series: Wildstone #5
Pages: 384 Pages
Brynn Turner desperately wishes she had it together, but her personal life is like a ping-pong match that’s left her scared and hurt after so many attempts to get it right. In search of a place to lick her wounds and get a fresh start, she heads back home to Wildstone.

And then there’s Kinsey Davis, who after battling serious health issues her entire twenty-nine years of life, is tired of hoping for . . . well, anything. She's fierce, tough, and pretty much the opposite of Brynn except for one thing: they're half-sisters. Kinsey is keeping this bombshell, and a few others as well. Long time frenemies from summer camp, there’s no way she’s going to tell Brynn they’re related.

But then Brynn runs into Kinsey's lifelong best friend, Eli, renewing a childhood crush. He’s still easy-going and funny and sexy as hell. When he gets her to agree to a summer-time deal to trust him to do right by her, no matter what, she never dreams it’ll result in finding a piece of herself she didn’t even know was missing. She could have a sister, love, and a future―if she can only learn to let go of the past.

As the long days of summer wind down, the three of them must discover if forgiveness is enough to grasp the unconditional love that’s right in front of them.

Like I said above I jumped at the chance to read The Summer Deal and I'm super happy that I did. Each and every one of this fantastic authors books always pull me in and this one was no different. I'm not sure if it was the camp stories or the multiple POV's or even the secrets of each character that had me so drawn that I just had to know what happened next or if it was Jill's writing style, but whatever it was I'm so glad it did. Honestly, I've been in a bit of reading funk lately. With this crazy world the way it is and my hand being messed up, it was hard to get into a book, but The Summer Deal did just that for me.

I loved the journey this book took me on as a reader, reading each word and seeing how far each character comes in this book was just perfection. I connected with each character on such a different level and that made me want to read this book even more. I didn't want to put this one down, even when I was working and had to clock back in after my break, I wanted to continue reading. I couldn't wait to get home and read some more. I don't know about you but in the Summer time I'm such a mood reader that contemporary romance is just the thing for me and this one was the perfect summer read for me.

Even though I yelled at a few of the characters throughout this one at times and rooted for them in the next few pages, honestly it just made me love each second of reading The Summer Deal even more. I couldn't get enough of it. I've been waiting for a few weeks and trying really hard not to spoil anything when it came to this book so this review could go live.

I must talk about Eli, the boy is just wow! I must say though at times I was wondering if he had his head on wrong. Keeping secrets isn't something I agree with, sometimes those secrets have to come out and in this one it could have saved a lot of heartache if it had come out sooner. Though then again, the characters keeping said secrets were what kept this story going. So I totally get it! I really enjoyed the little snippets from each of the girls camp journals, those parts cracked me up and gave us the perfect glimpse into each of their pasts.

I loved this reading this book and hope you all will enjoy it as much as I did. I'm pretty sure you will. Make sure you pick up your copy today! The Wildstone series is all in all one of my favorites and I can't wait to read the next one in this series.

Multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras full of quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is … mostly coincidental. Look for Jill’s bestselling, award-winning heartwarming and full of humor novels wherever books are sold and visit her website for a complete book list and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures. Her most recent book, ALMOST JUST FRIENDS, was just published last month and her next book, THE SUMMER DEAL, comes out in June.

Look for Jill's ALMOST JUST FRIENDS and get all her bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold. Visit for a complete book list and fun blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.

Connect with Jill:

If you didn't see the top image lol, I'm giving The Summer Deal and Ali's Bookshelf rating of...

And now for that giveaway!! Leave a comment below for your chance to win a copy of The Summer Deal by Jill Shalvis. I'll use a random generator to pick the winner. Sorry, but this giveaway if for US and Canada entries only and you must be 18 years old to enter. I'll announce the winner here on this review in one week!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Life Update: My Hand and Some Upcoming Posts

 I know it's been awhile since I've posted much here on Ali's Bookshelf. I wanted to get a post up to let you all know what's going on with my hand. Trust me, this isn't how I wanted my year here on the blog to be. I had planned out a great year filled with new posts and reviews, I had plans for new things to happen on this blog. Then of course, I hurt my hand at work and all those plans fell through. Right now my hand is still messed up pretty badly. I can't go into great detail because, well I hired a lawyer and I'm not really allowed to. All I can say right now is that it's not getting any better. I'm in physical therapy and his word the other day is let's get some function out of it.

So right now that's the main plan. I'm going to try, if you notice I say try, to post a few posts here in July. I'm working on a few, but it takes me a long time to get them ready. Typing hurts and honestly it's a lot of pecking the keys with one hand.

The plan for the blog now is try to post reviews, I am still reading like crazy. I have several books I can review right now and that's the first posts I'm going to be working on for July. I have one that's for a blog tour and that's going live tomorrow. (It's already to go!) Please stick with me, I promise there will be posts going live here shortly! For those that have stuck with me, thanks so much, it means the world to me.

Anyway, I hope you all are doing great in this crazy world we now live in. Just remember I am trying to get posts up for you all but it will take me some time. Thanks and as always...

Friday, April 3, 2020

Review and Giveaway: The Sinner by J.R. Ward

I am super stoked to be sharing my thoughts on one of my favorite author's books today. I want to thank Simon and Schuster for sending me a copy of The Sinner for review. You all are amazing!  Author J.R. Ward is one of those auto-buy authors for me, you know the ones that as a reader as soon as their books are released you are there buying your copy, yep that's how it is for me with this spectacular author. She's also an amazing author to see in person, you will laugh so hard, so if you get the chance to hear her speak about her trust me! Anyway, below is my thoughts about her newest release The Sinner. 

 The Sinner by J. R. Ward
Publisher:  Gallery Books
Published: March 24th 2020
Format: Hardcover
Series: The Black Dagger Brotherhood
Pages: 496 pages
 Syn has kept his side hustle as a mercenary a secret from the Black Dagger Brotherhood. When he takes another hit job, he not only crosses the path of the vampire race’s new enemy, but also that of a half-breed in danger of dying during her transition. Jo Early has no idea what her true nature is, and when a mysterious man appears out of the darkness, she is torn between their erotic connection and the sense that something is very wrong.

Fate anointed Butch O’Neal as the Dhestroyer, the fulfiller of the prophecy that foresees the end of the Omega. As the war with the Lessening Society comes to a head, Butch gets an unexpected ally in Syn. But can he trust the male—or is the warrior with the bad past a deadly complication?

With time running out, Jo gets swept up in the fighting and must join with Syn and the Brotherhood against true evil. In the end, will love true prevail...or was the prophecy wrong all along?

First off I want to start this review by saying a huge thanks to this author for writing this whole series, in times like we are living right now, these books are the best stories to dive into and forget everything else around you. That's exactly what I did with The Sinner. I honestly squealed like a little girl when this one arrived. Then I stopped and thought about one of my best friends and how I knew she was going to kill me as soon as she found out I had my hands on this book lol. Just kidding, she might not actually kill me but...that's the kind of passion these books kindle though. Which isn't a bad thing! That's the kind of passion these books kindle though, she had been waiting to get her hands on this story. Once you finish one you can't wait to have the next and it's hard to wait. Though I try very patiently to wait each time. 

There are so many things I want to say about this book but I'm not sure where to start, I guess I'll just start with the writing itself and go from there. It's hard to actually describe how happy this book made me, it was so full of emotion. I love that about this series as well, J.R. Ward can write books that have you laughing one minute and holding your breath the other. I will say I have found a new favorite in this story, which I didn't think would happen because Z is my fav. But I'm getting ahead of myself here, back to the best part... the writing. I really don't know how she keeps up with everything in these books, so much happens the twists and turns, not that I'm complaining one bit, but I would love to know how she keeps track. I love the style in which she does tell her stories, they grab you and don't let you go even after you finish each book. They make you want to dive right back in and re-read the whole series. It doesn't leave you! Which makes them some of my favorite books of all time. 

  Now let's talk about characters, OMG let's talk about these characters. Funny, sexy, with dark pasts, families and all that goes with them being vampires! That's just a couple of words that I can come up with and honestly I have about a dozen more.  I love these characters. Syn has become a new favorite of mine! Like I said above I wasn't sure that would happen. I love Z! He's still my all-time favorite, but Syn and Butch are up there on the list now too. J.R. Ward knows how to create characters that make you fall in love with them just as much as their true love.  Honestly, she knows how to make you want to be their love!  That's one of those things she knows how to do best. That's one of those things that keeps us all coming back for more each and every time. I know for me I can't get enough of it. 

These books, including, The Sinner plays out in your head as you're reading them, like a movie that you star in. (Again, the best part!) I loved reading this book as I knew I would. If you couldn't already tell, I love this whole series. 

Oh, I have to mention two more things real quick, then I'm going to stop rattling on about this amazing author and her books. I must mention this cover, I think it's one of my favorites. The color is just perfect with the cover model OMG. I think when I opened this book standing at my mailbox I stood there staring for a little bit longer than I meant to. Whoever that model is WOW!  Her covers are always amazing and eye-catching but they really did an amazing job this time. 

Once this book was released I made sure I purchased the audiobook,  Jim Frangione has the perfect voice for these books, making us all love them even more than we already did! I listen and follow along as I read. I love doing this. Makes it come alive even more. If you have a chance to listen and read this book, do so! 

All in all, The Sinner is one of my favorite of the Black Dagger books. I loved this book, I'm pretty sure you already know that by now! Anyway, if you haven't read any of this series, what are you waiting for, get a copy today and start. If you have, let me know below your thoughts! I love hearing from you all. 

As if you didn't already know this, I'm giving The Sinner by J.R. Ward Ali's Bookshelf...

J.R. Ward is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of numerous novels, including the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. She lives in the South her family.

The awesome publisher is offering one copy of this fantastic book for one of my readers. This giveaway will be for U.S. readers only. You must also be 18 years old to sign up!

Friday, January 31, 2020

Book Blogger Hop #87

Book Blogger Hop is another post I'm going to be trying out and this one has a topic each week, which is something I've been trying to bring to the blog.  I'm really excited about this one because I have a hard time coming up with something fresh to talk about and I'm hoping this helps.
If you would be interested in doing your own post, please CLICK HERE to learn more about this great hop!
31st - February 6th - What is your opinion of bibliotherapy? Do you think this is a useful way of dealing with psychological issues? If you've used it yourself, or know someone who has, what book(s) would you recommend? (submitted by Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books)

I've never known anyone that's used this therapy treatment, but I honestly think it would help. I think it's a great way to help people. I mean come on, what does reading do for all of us. If reading can help someone I say that's awesome!!

What are your thoughts on this one? Do you think it would help someone? I honestly think it would.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blog Tour Review: Tweet Cute

I am so thrilled to be part of this tour. As soon as I was asked to be part of this tour for Tweet Cute I jumped at the chance. I read the summary and knew I had to read this book right away!  Anyway, below you will find everything you need to know about this amazing book and its author, as well as my thoughts about the book. 

I want to thank both Emma Lord and Wednesday Books for letting me be part of this fantastic tour. 

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord

Publisher: Wednesday Books
Published: January 21st 2020
Format: E-ARC
Pages: 368 pages
 A fresh, irresistible rom-com from debut author Emma Lord about the chances we take, the paths life can lead us on, and how love can be found in the opposite place you expected.

Meet Pepper, swim team captain, chronic overachiever, and all-around perfectionist. Her family may be falling apart, but their massive fast-food chain is booming ― mainly thanks to Pepper, who is barely managing to juggle real life while secretly running Big League Burger’s massive Twitter account.

Enter Jack, class clown and constant thorn in Pepper’s side. When he isn’t trying to duck out of his obscenely popular twin’s shadow, he’s busy working in his family’s deli. His relationship with the business that holds his future might be love/hate, but when Big League Burger steals his grandma’s iconic grilled cheese recipe, he’ll do whatever it takes to take them down, one tweet at a time.

All’s fair in love and cheese ― that is, until Pepper and Jack’s spat turns into a viral Twitter war. Little do they know, while they’re publicly duking it out with snarky memes and retweet battles, they’re also falling for each other in real life ― on an anonymous chat app Jack built.

As their relationship deepens and their online shenanigans escalate ― people on the internet are shipping them?? ― their battle gets more and more personal, until even these two rivals can’t ignore they were destined for the most unexpected, awkward, all-the-feels romance that neither of them expected

If you didn't get the hint above that I love this book, well let's just say it again, I love this book. I loved the characters and really connected with Pepper. While reading you can tell the author really knew these characters and the writing just flowed.  I loved reading every single word of this book and it was such an easy and fun read. Which was just what I needed first thing this year. I needed a light and fluffy read, Tweet Cute fit that bill. 

Tweet Cute was the perfect HEA, one that had me giddy to continue till the last word. I read this one in one day and I didn't want it to end.  This was one easy and very believable read, one that teenagers and even us adults can connect with. Especially that guy that drives you insane. I'm pretty sure every teen girl has that one guy in their lives.  I know I did!  I can't wait to read more from this author and hope she has more coming very soon!

I loved the relationship even from the beginning. It was just perfection! I also loved the "You've Got Mail" feel about this one and that just made this book even better.  I couldn't get enough of this story and everything it had to offer. This was the perfect debut for this fantastic author. I highly recommend Tweet Cute to anyone who loves young adult contemporary romance, I know you will love this one. 

Also, I must note how much I love this cover as well, isn't it just the cutest thing? 

I'm so happy to give Tweet Cute my first....

Of the year! 


Emma Lord is a digital media editor and writer living in New York City, where she spends whatever time she isn’t writing either running or belting show tunes in community theater. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a major in psychology and a minor in how to tilt your computer screen so nobody will notice you updating your fan fiction from the back row. She was raised on glitter, grilled cheese, and a whole lot of love. Her sun sign is Hufflepuff, but she is a Gryffindor rising. TWEET CUTE is her debut novel. You can find her geeking out online at @dilemmalord on Twitter.

Teaser Tuesday #189

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Books and a Beat. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:  

  •  Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser.

 Nine windows, two doors, a wrap-around porch, and two balconies--that was just the face of our looming two-story Victorian on Juniper Street. The chipped blue paint and the dusty windows seemed to sing a violent song about the century of relentless summers and brutally cold winters that house had endured.

Alright, have any of you read this one? It's one that another friend of mine told me about and I'm not too sure about it so far.  I'm hoping I love it, but we shall see. I usually like author Jamie McGuire's books though so I'm pretty sure I will love it. Anyway, let me know your thoughts below but as usual, please no spoilers. 

Monday, January 27, 2020

Life Update: I Broke My Thumb!

I just wanted to pop on and let you all know why I haven't been around lately. I had so many amazing posts scheduled to post, well scheduled to write then post. Anyway, I got a new job and ended up falling at work. I broke my right thumb and badly sprained my wrist. (I'm right-handed, if I didn't mention that.) I haven't been able to really type till now. I'm not really typing now, it's one finger typing right now lol. As of right now, I'm reading and just trying to heal.

I hope you all stick with me and just know I have a bunch of posts coming as soon as this heals and I can really type again. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Book Blogger Hop #86

Book Blogger Hop is another post I'm going to be trying out and this one has a topic each week, which is something I've been trying to bring to the blog.  I'm really excited about this one because I have a hard time coming up with something fresh to talk about and I'm hoping this helps.
If you would be interested in doing your own post, please CLICK HERE to learn more about this great hop!

24th - 30th - Do you talk to strangers about books especially when you see someone reading a book? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)
I actually do this all the time, especially in bookstores, which makes it a bit easier. Though I do this in the library all the time too. I love talking to people, though I am a bit cautious about it. Nowadays you have to be.  

So, do you ever find yourself talking to a stranger about books? Let me know in the comments below. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Teaser Tuesday #188

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Books and a Beat. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:  

  •  Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser.

 In the uncomfortable plastic seat next to me, my mother, Joyce, saw me checking the time. She kept her voice low as she reached for my arm. "Happy birthday, Evie." "Don't," I grumbled and pulled my arm out of her reach.

This is a book that a friend of mine told me about and said I really needed to read, so of course, I picked it up and figured I would give it a try. Have you read this one? Let me know your thoughts please in the comments below, but please no spoilers!  

Friday, January 17, 2020

Book Blogger Hop #85

Book Blogger Hop is another post I'm going to be trying out and this one has a topic each week, which is something I've been trying to bring to the blog.  I'm really excited about this one because I have a hard time coming up with something fresh to talk about and I'm hoping this helps.
If you would be interested in doing your own post, please CLICK HERE to learn more about this great hop!

17th - 23rd - Do you think that readers make better employees, as opposed to non-readers? Why or why not? (submitted by Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books)

I'm not really sure how to answer this one. On one hand, I'm a reader and I know I'm a great employee, but that doesn't mean someone who isn't won't be.  I don't really think being a reader or not has anything to do with it.

What are your thoughts on this one? I'm really not sure it makes a difference if someone is a reader or not. I would love to hear your thoughts though. Leave me a comment below. 

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