Friday, February 15, 2013

Author Feature: How Do I Do What I Do with author Kim Smith

Today we have our Author Feature called How Do I Do What I Do.  This is a feature where authors can chat about well basically anything about writing.  I love these features.  Today we have author Kim Smith with us to chat about writing.

Writing: How I Do What I Do

I would hate for readers to think writing a novel is a simple task. It isn't. 

It is one of the toughest things I have ever had to do. I mean, it requires a devotion of your time. Long chunks of it. It requires a huge bit of your mind, and I do mean HUGE. You cannot sit down to write without having time to do it properly and you absolutely need to be in the mindset to create. That's the first bit of advice I would give to you, dear friend. Get in the mindset, and sit down and don't get back up until you have begun a work that is worthy of carrying your name. Oh yeah. That is a little important too. When I do what I do, I want something to be worthy of having my name on the cover. I want to be proud of what I have done. But that is only if you are writing to be published, and in today's world of indie publishing, who isn't? That's another thing: why not publish? Well, for one thing, it may be something that isn't ready yet. Or it could be a private manifesto that really has no mass market value. That isn't to say that it is wrong to write the story of your heart, but only that not everyone will be interested in reading it.

I do begin my stories with a hook. Sort of how I began this article. Something that drags the reader into the story and keeps them there. Hooks are easy. We are hooked on every show on television. They have to hook us or else they wouldn't get our viewership.

I also use plot turns, those things that make a story go off on a new and different *and I hope exciting!* direction. And then I rev up that turn with clinchers. Those are the items that get the reader to turn the page a little faster. All of these items send them off into Readerland, happy and interested, all the way up to the end. That is where my story comes to its final conclusion, and I hope where I tie up all those questions my readers have had for so many pages.

And I write a lot of genres. Fantasy, romance, mystery. All can be written using this path.

My method is certainly not new, nor is it innovative, but it is effective. 

thanks, Ali for having me today.


Kim Smith is the author of the YA fantasy time travel, A Mirror in Time out now for Kindle and in paperback at Amazon. You can find her online at

Thanks so much for chatting with us today about writing Kim and for this great post.   If you are an author and would like to be featured here on Ali's Bookshelf through an Author Feature: CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!

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