Review: Fairy Senses by Frances Ruiz
IN A GLANCE: Really wanted to love this book, but I simply could not get into it.
Title: Fairy Senses
Author: Frances Ruiz
Publisher: Hinterland Sky Press
Format: Paperback
Pages: 235 Pages
ISBN #: 0981888003

The fat, one-foot tall, miniature man with dragon wings that Kelly catches in her refrigerator, his face smeared with her fourteenth birthday cake, is not what she imagined a fairy would look like. But he proudly claims to be a "perfect specimen". Kelly soon learns that she herself is half-fairy, which means everything she has ever been told about her absent father is a lie. Who was he and why has her mother been lying about him? Kelly vows to find out, but her plans are interrupted when US presidential candidate Marcos Witherings kidnaps her. He is a half-fairy too, and he wants another of his kind to help him in a twisted plan that far exceeds a simple desire to be US president. Kelly escapes and flees to the underwater fairy kingdom of Glendenland, where she must race to develop her fledgling "fairy senses" before it's too late.
Sadly its with a heavy heart that I can't give this book a five puppy rating. I want to say that I couldn't put it down, but technically I had to make myself pick it up. First item I want to talk about is this cover. I'm sorry but this cover doesn't pull you in and make you want to read this book. This cover is one of the worst I've seen in a while and there is no sense in bad covers. If you want to sell books you have to have something to pull a reader in and the cover is where you start!
Like I said I wanted to enjoy this book, I really did. The story is well thought out and the plot is great, but its so filled with every little detail that its just way to much. I am an epic fantasy reader who loves detail, but this book was just way to much crammed into 235 pages. This is one of the main reason's I just couldn't get into this book. There wasn't enough back story for the characters and to me the characters seemed a bit flat at times. I also felt that the plot didn't flow as well as it should in this type of story and to me the whole thing felt a bit stuffy, like a text book.
I will say that some middle graders might like this book, but for me it was defiantly not a hit out the park. I wanted to love this book and I have the second book in the series, but I'm not sure Ill be reading it any time soon.
I usually say something nice about the books I review, but I really had a hard time finding anything I really enjoyed about this one. One thing I noticed that was it was a girl power book, but lately I've seen so many of those so I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Like I always say though, not every book is for everyone. If you think you might enjoy this book, by all means pick it up and try it out. You might actually love it! But it just wasn't for me.
Plot: 17/20
Creativity: 16/20
Writing: 16/20
Characters: 17/20
Ending: 9/10
Cover: 0/10
75 out of 100 = 2 1/2 Puppies