Review: Barbie Girl by Heidi Acosta
IN A GLANCE: WOW! I love when I find books that are so different and I end up loving the book!
Title: Barbie Girl
Author: Heidi Acosta
Format: Ebook
Pages: 189 pages
ISBN #: 9781301739783

The only thing that 17 year old Barbie Starr wants to do is graduate high school so she and her little brother, Everett, can get out of Alabama. She doesn’t care about the rumors that are spread around about her like wild fire. Rumors are nothing new to her. Sure, maybe she could change her reputation, but why bother. She is leaving Alabama as soon as she can. That is, if she can pass algebra and graduate. The only thing Dylan Knight would like to do is go through high school unnoticed; he has had enough of the drama that is high school. He took the whole of last summer to bulk-up: finally he is not being called names or being shoved into lockers. He wants to remain on the outside of the circle of constant rumors that surround the so-called popular kids who get all the attention. He would not, however, mind if his long time crush Katie took notice of him. But it is Barbie who notices Dylan and she offers him a deal he can’t pass up: if he helps her pass algebra, she’ll help him get the girl of his dreams. Dylan agrees, but, as it turns out, nothing is simple when it comes to Barbie. Somehow, she can’t help but draw attention to herself — and to him. Soon Dylan finds himself tossed into the whirlwind of rumors that seem to follow Barbie everywhere. Can he save his reputation and still get the girl of his dreams? Or will Barbie be the one to break through his carefully-built facade?
Like I said in my In a glance above, this book is so different from anything I've ever read and I love different when it comes to this book. At first I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this book, but once I was into the pages of it I was hooked and my Kindle was glued to my hands. I didn't even want to put it down to cook dinner, I did of course, but as soon as dinner was over I was back at it.
I loved how different these characters were and how strong our main character is. I didn't like how mean people were to her, which of course made me yell at my book a few times, but Barbie was so strong that she just didn't care. I really enjoyed the plot and how the romance between here and Dylan came to be. Even though he was mean to her in the beginning as well.
Heidi Acosta is one hell of a writer. I love her writing style and the way the words just flew off the pages of this book creating the story in front of me. I will gladly read anything this author ever writes. I can't wait to read more from her.
Overall this book is fabulous. If you are looking for something totally different from what you have been reading then this book is for you. Its a must read in my book!
Plot: 20/20
Characters: 20/20
Creativity: 20/20
Writing: 20/20
Ending: 10/10
Cover: 10/10
100 out of 100 = 5 Puppy Rating
caffeinejunkie01 · 630 weeks ago