Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ali Talks: You're Too Old To Read That

As you might know Ali Talks is a post I really enjoy posting here on the blog.  It's one where I can talk about many different topics varying from books, blogging, to every day stuff like bullet journaling.  Yep I said bullet journaling! Today though I'm going to be talking about something that has happened to me recently.  Actually it's happened to me a lot throughout my reading life.  

How many of you have ever been reading something out in public or even at school and was told you're too old or even too young to read that? 

First off, you should know something about me, I do not and will not censor anything someone wants to read.  Reading is a gift and it's something that you can do to relax and books take you on an adventure that you normally wouldn't get to take.  So in my house I do not censor what my kids are reading. I feel really strong about this and when it happens to my kids or to me, I pretty much go on a long rant about it.  Honestly, you should be able to read what you want to read when you want to read it! 

Like I said, I feel rather strongly about this subject.  Anyway, the other day I was standing in Wal-mart looking at the Young Adult section and I picked up one of the books that I hadn't heard about before.  I know shocker right, a book that I hadn't heard about, trust me it actually happens.  It's rare, but it does happen.  Well anyway, I was reading the summary and it looked and sounded fantastic.  Before I could place this newly found fantastic sounding book, I was stopped by a older woman and was then told that I didn't want to read that and that I was standing in the wrong section of the book isle.  

I knew what was about to happen. I was going to be told that I was too old to be reading those type of books.  I had to hold back my snort and stop myself from rolling my eyes.  Putting a small smile on my face I turned toward the lady and asked what she meant.  I was taught that you were always polite to your elders, so I tried to be as polite as I could even though I knew she was trying to tell me what and what not to read.  

As soon as she finished telling me that those type of books were only for kids and that I should be reading in the other section for adults only, I put the book in my cart and told her what I normally do. I really wanted to say how old do you think I am, but I didn't. Instead I said "Ma'am, this genre of book isn't only for children.  Young Adult books are for anyone that wants to read them, just like every other book in this store and others.  I don't believe in being told what I can and can't read.  But, if you would like a great book recommendation you should read this."  I picked up Fault in our Stars and showed it to her.  After that I proceeded to explain to her that it was a great and tragic love story.  When I was done, I placed the book I was showing her back on the shelf and told her to have a good day.  

Once I went to walk away I watched her pick the book back up and place it in her cart. That of course made me happy and I hope she enjoys the book as much as I did. 

The same thing has happened to my daughter at school and my son as well.  Being told you're too old or too young to read a book just isn't okay to me.  My daughter was told she was way too young to read Harry Potter.  Her teacher literary sent me a letter home stating the fact that I shouldn't be letting her read a book that was so over her head.   Now I thought teachers were supposed to help students not beat them down.  If my kid wants to read Harry Potter, you better bet that I'm going to let her.  

The moral of my stories is that if you want to read something, even if people think it's way out of your age rang then read it! Don't let anyone stop you from reading what you want to read.  Now I don't want a bunch of parents coming to me and telling me that I told their son or daughter to read whatever they want, so here's the deal if you're parent says no, then wait till they say you can or you get old enough to read what you want.  To those parents that feel their kid shouldn't read something that they want to read, just remember before you say no that reading is a gift that should be used! 

I know this post is probably going to get some of you upset or cheering as well, just remember that this is my take on this topic.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I would love to know your take on things though so tell me your thoughts on censoring books below in the comments.  

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