It's that time again, time to crown the Victorious and say farewell to
the Vanquished. If you would like to know more about this post CLICK HERE.
The amazing blogger at Lost in Wonderland is the host of this fantastic
post and I for one love it! The only difference in her's is she does
the post once a month, I'm posting it twice a month. Mainly because my
tbr pile is so large and I would like to lower my number a lot faster.
Mainly each month, or twice a month in my case, I have a random
generator pick a number for me and I corispond that number with the
number on my Goodreads TBR shelf. Then I decide if I want to keep that
book around, leaving it on my shelf or if I want to say goodbye to the
book and mark it Vanquished!
The Victorious
The Vanquished
The Worlds We Make is the third in a series, one of which I haven't even read the first book in the series. So therefore I went ahead and took this one off my TBR. After I read the first book though, this one might be added back on.
So what about you, any books you need to put under The Vanquished list?