Thursday, December 14, 2017

12 Days of My True Love Gave To Me: Day 1

I've seen a few different vloggers talk about this fantastic looking book for awhile now and I figured I would give it a shot. Today I got my copy and a idea for the blog popped into my head. Now I'm sure there has been another blogger out there that has done something like this, but I wanted to challenge myself to do 12 posts where I will be sharring my thoughts on each of these stories. Since we are 12 days away from Christmas I thought it fit perfectly that there are 12 stories to share. So for the next 12 days I will make a post every day talking about this book and it's stories. 

Today I want to talk about author Rainbow Rowell's story It's called Midnights and like all of her other books and stories, I loved this one.  It starts out a little confusing but I caught on really fast. It's broken down into several years but each part is only based around the time of the year that the countdown for New Years happens. 

I'm not really going to write any spoilers, but it's about two main characters named Mags and Noel. (I also must say I love the names that author Rainbow Rowell picked because my name is in this story and it's actually spelled correctly. Yeah that doesn't happen often.) Anyway, it showcases Mags and Noel's relationship from just meeting at Alicia's New Years Eve party and him asking if there are tree nuts in what she's eating to the next several years of them as friends. At the end, which is my favorite part, they've all moved away to college but come back for the party. 

I enjoy this authors writing so much and how she can just throw you into a story, like this one and she has you just by the first few lines. So much so that you have to know what's going to happen next. I'm not going to tell you what happens next, because I hate spoilers, but I love this short story.  As of today this book has a 5 out of 5 puppy rating for me. The story Midnights does as well.

I have a couple lines that I loved and wanted to share with you...

Mags laughed. "You're a kaleidospope. You change every time I look away."  "Don't you hate that?" He asked

"I know things have to change, but...I can't lose you. I don't think I get another one like you." 

If you haven't read this book, this is the perfect day to start it. Would love you to read alone with me. One day one story! Also if you have read the book would love to hear your thoughts on this story as well. Hope you all have a great Thursday and as always...

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