It's time for another discussion post, but this time it's going to be a bit different. One of my goals this year for Ali's Bookshelf is to fall in love with reading and this blog again. I know I've said this before, but this year I've made a plan! I'm hoping I can stick with it and get back into the groove again and love doing what I do.
I'm guessing by the title of the post your realize that I'm no longer going to be posting my once a month TBR pile posts, if that's what you're thinking then you're right, but along with that I will not be posting anymore It's Monday...What Are You Reading posts. Yep, I've decided to stop those posts as well. Here's my thinking when it comes to both of these posts.
Really when it came down to me making this desission, my thoughts came back to how I pick what I want to read and with me wanting to fall in love with reading again. Sometimes I feel like a TBR list or aWhat are you reading list, puts a bit of pressure on me to make sure I read those books and even if I don't feel like reading said books I must do so. That feeling really takes the joy out of reading for me. I'm an emotional reader. I read what I feel like reading and if something is on my tbr list and I just don't feel it then I'm going to hate the book, even though at another time I probably wouldn't.
Are any of you like this? Do you pick what you want to read this way? Or are you a by the list type of person?
If I do decide to post a It's Monday post, it more than likely will only be the book that I'm currently reading, which more than likely I just wont post this type of post. I'm not really sure yet what I want to replace the post with, if you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments below. I'm also thinking about just adding to my sidebar what I'm currently reading so you all can see that there instead.