Friday, December 22, 2017

Ali Talks: Unhauling Books

Ali Talks is a discusion post here on Ali's Bookshelf. One where we chat about different topics, today's topic, is Unhauling books! YIKES.

This is a topic I've been wanting to chat about for awhile now, but it's something that I rarely did so I didn't want to really bring it up. Now I've started to actually unhaul some of my books so it's time to chat. My feelings about the topic has changed throughout my years here on the blog and throughout my life in general. 

I used to think that Unhauling books was a bad thing, it was just something I never did. I was a collector of books and collecting meant keeping the books I acquired. Now fast forward a few years and I have a different take on the idea of Unhauling books. 

Right now I have nine boxes of books that are in my car and I'm getting ready to take them to Half Price books, I'm hoping doing these books will bring someone else joy by getting to read them. The books that are in the boxes are either ones that I've read and didn't enjoy enough to keep or ones that I'm just never going to read. Some of which are books that were given to me by people as presents or recommended to me and I just didn't enjoy. There are also a few books in the boxes that I did enjoy, but don't feel the need to keep mainly because I'm never going to read them again and don't love them enough to keep them around. 

So after taking the books to Half Price Books. I walked out of there with nine new books and over 100$! Which is amazing, I'm starting to see that unhauling books can lead to me being able to get books that I will enjoy and read right away. I really think it's a way that I might be able to reach my TBR goals for 2018 as well. I want to shorten my TBR a lot by the end of the year. Especially when it comes to books that I actually own. 

Anyway, what are your thoughts on Unhauling books? Do you think it's a good idea or do you think the way I used to and never unhaul books? Let me know in the comments below! I would love to know your thoughts on this topic. 

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Although I don't have boxes and boxes of books to give away, I routinely donate or give away books that I don't read or don't like and don't like to keep. It keeps my home decluttered and also makes room on my shelf.

So, yeah! I absolutely champion your unhauling of physical books! I also unhaul some of the books on my digital TBR especially those that have been on my TBR pile for soooo long and I still haven't read it.

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