Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Ali Talks: Dear Netgalley

You know the drill by now, but for those that haven't been around the blog long enough, Ali Talks are posts where I well get to chat about the things that are on my mind or chat about book related topics. Sometimes it's even blog related topics.

Today's topic is a small letter to Netgalley, which if you don't know it's a website that most of the bloggers I know use to get digital ARC's. I love the site, but there are a few things that I really wish they would add to their site. So this post is going to talk about those things!

Mainly I'm going to start off by saying that I do love Netgalley, it's a simple place to go for the books that are coming out soon and I'm dying to read/review. Like I said above, there are a few things that I wish they would add. So let's get to that list, shall we...

Dear Netgalley,

 First off this is just a small list of things that I wish you all would add to the site, things that I think would make it a lot easier for us reviewers.

1. Add to Goodreads - I really wish there was a way you could add an add to Goodreads button to each book page, this way we could just click that and it would add it automatically and honestly it would save me a lot of time trying to find the said book on Goodreads. I love that you have a way to add our reviews to Twitter and sometimes share them on Facebook even, but it would make it easier if we could share them on Goodreads as well.

2. A way to organize our review books - I wish there was a better way on the site to organize what books need to be read by what date. Right now it's so cluttered and I can't easily know that I have 5 books to read by July or August. There was supposed to be a weekly email sent out and I'm signed up for it, but I've never gotten it. I wish there was some way to make this part simpler. Right now I'm having to make a monthly list page in my bullet journal, don't get me wrong I love doing this, but it should be easier on the site as well.

3. Now, this isn't a complaint, I just wanted to say I love the new dashboard look! But maybe we could add the what's coming up next or a what you need to read next list to said dashboard to help with the organization problem I mentioned earlier.

That's really all the ideas I had like I said I love the site and it's a huge help, plus all the things you all have done lately has been a huge help, but there are a few things that I think would make it even easier for us reviewers. 


A helpful blogger! 

What are you're thoughts on Netgalley, do you have anything else to add? I would love to hear your thoughts, please share them in the comments below!

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