Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Burning Bright Blog Tour: Promo and Giveaway

Burning Bright (Going Down in Flames #5)

by Chris Cannon
Publication Date: June 4, 2018

Publisher: Entangled Teen

Bryn is back for her senior year at the Institute for Excellence, also known as shape-shifting dragon school. She isn’t sure which is scarier, the life-force sucking dragons stalking campus or the fact that she’s officially betrothed to Jaxon, a guy who will never love her. Not that she could ever love him, either… That’s just ridiculous.

Senior year should be fun. Her parents are alive, she’s finally fitting in, and she’s learning how to be a Medic. But what’s with Jaxon giving her strange looks? He runs hot and cold, and he doesn’t even have the excuse of being a hybrid fire-and-ice-breathing dragon like her. One minute they’re having a great time and the next, she wants to blast a fireball at his head. The marriage contract of doom looms over them--unless this match not made in heaven kindles a flame…

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“I think we are at the no-news-is-good-news stage,” Jaxon said.
“That works for me.” Bryn said. “I’m hoping my chaos magnet days are over. I’d love an uneventful holiday season.” “The Christmas Ball should be safer this year. Your grandfather has hired extra guards and installed more surveillance cameras around the estate.”
“That’s comforting, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to relax and believe an event is safe.”
“I feel compelled to point out that the common denominator among all the recent chaos has been you.”
“And you get to spend the rest of your life with me,” Bryn shot back. “You lucky duck.”
“I can barely contain my joy.”
They drove back to the Institute for Excellence trading comments and laughing. It was nice. On the way to her room, he said, “Do you still have the present I asked you to keep for me?”
Way to put a damper on the day. “I do.” Where is he going with this?
“Can I have it back?” he asked.
“Of course.” She unlocked her door, letting him into the living room and then went to retrieve the bracelet from underneath her sweaters. Should she admit she’d looked at it? No.
Jaxon accepted the box from her and held it in his palm like he was testing its weight. “I finally figured out what I should do with it.” He slid it into his coat pocket and then said, “I almost forgot.” He pulled a small white cardboard box from his pocket and handed it to her.
“What’s this?” She opened the box and looked inside to find brownies dotted with green Christmas tree-shaped sprinkles.
“I stopped in a bakery to order something for my mother, and I saw those.”
That was oddly thoughtful of him.
“I know normal girls wouldn’t want to eat brownies after baking cookies all day, but I figured that didn’t apply to you.”
“It’s not like I can argue that statement, so thank you.”
“Good night, Bryn.”
“Good night.” She locked the door behind him before taking a bite of brownie. It was chocolatey fudgey heaven. A small voice in her head whispered that he must actually care about her. The smarter part of her brain said to shut up and enjoy the brownie. No reason to read anything even remotely romantic into the nice gesture.
Bryn stopped mid chew. Wait. What? Did she just think of romance and Jaxon in the same sentence? Sure, he was funny, and smart, and handsome when he wasn’t being an asshat, but that didn’t mean there would ever be any real feelings between them. Right?


Chris Cannon is the award-winning author of the Going Down In Flames series and the Boyfriend Chronicles. She lives in Southern Illinois with her husband and several furry beasts. She believes coffee is the Elixir of Life. Most evenings after work, you can find her sucking down caffeine and writing fire-breathing paranormal adventures or romantic comedies. You can find her online at

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This giveaway is international and the prize is a  $20 Amazon Gift Card! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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