Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ali Talks: Book Hype

I've been wanting to chat about this for awhile now, but wasn't sure how to actually start the discussion, now it's more of a must than just an idea.

In the past couple of months I've heard some major hype about a few books and I usually don't pay much attention to the hype, but these books sounded amazing! So I ended up getting both of them. I started off with the one that had caught my attention first and I lasted maybe fifteen minutes before I was so terribly bored.  The second book, let's just say that I still have no idea what was going on.  I read about 100 pages of the book and most of the time I was clueless.  I really wanted to love these books. 

Of course this made me want to come to you all and find out your thoughts about Book Hype.  Do you pay attention to it or do you just read what you want to read good or bad? If you do pay attention to it and then the book isn't what you hoped it would be, does it make you feel mislead? 

I say this all the time, not every book is for every person, but in a way I feel a bit mislead right now.  I've have two books that I was super excited to read and I can't finish them.  Forcing myself to read is something that I promised myself I wouldn't do this year.  With my goal of reading what I want and bringing the fun back to reading, forcing myself to read something isn't something that will help me reach that goal. 
So what I want to know is do you give into the hype and read the books or do you just keep yourselves closed off and just read what you want to read?  My next question is do I go ahead and DNF the books or should I try them again at a later time? They both sounded amazing, so much so I thought they might end up being my favorite books of the year, but no such luck.

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