In My Mailbox was created by Kristi @ The Story Siren
Alright, I know I haven't posted one of these in a few weeks so my pile is a little high. Check out my vlog and see what I mean!
So what did you think of my crazy pile of books? I hope you all had a great week and got some amazing books as well. I'd love to see what you got, please link me or even tell me what you got in the comments below!
Thanks and have a great day!!!
circustoybox 42p · 675 weeks ago
Some really intriguing books! I adore Reunited and Fated's covers a lot, I haven't heard much about Reunited, but I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it!
I need to get started on that series..I admit its size intimidates me.
I was going to get the boxset from The Book Depository...then at the last minute I brought John Green's The Fault In Our Stars instead...
Somehow, I must be one of the few people who wasn't too crazy about the series..but reading reviews and crazy fan-girl raving for Insurgent has got me excited...and I bit jealous. I heard it was supposedly super exciting, so I hope hope it will make me love the series and finally join in on the party. (because I really feel like the only person on the world who just didn't "get it")
Lilian @ A Novel Toybox