Friday, June 29, 2012

Ali Prepares for Fandom Fest #3: Julie Kagawa Interview

I am totally fan girling right now!!! Julie Kagawa is on my blog today and I love her books! She is going to be at Fandom Fest this weekend and I'm so excited to meet her! Oh and guess what, today is the day, today is the first day of Fandom Fest!!!! YAY!!! It's finally here.  

I hope you all enjoy this little interview.  This will be my last post till Sunday, I have a blog tour that day for you all!!! Enjoy.  Monday I will be posting all about Fandom Fest and I will have tons of pics for you all!!! Enjoy.  

 Where did your idea for The Iron Fey series come from and did you
always know where you were going with the whole series?

Faeries, the old, ancient fey, not the glittery winged sprites, have always fascinated me. But I wanted to write a book that was different than other faery books. So I began thinking: what are the fey afraid of? The answer, in most ancient mythos, is iron. Faeries can't stand the touch of iron and steel. So, what if there was a new type of fey that had evolved with progress over the years? What if they weren't only immune to iron, their existence was slowly poisoning and corrupting the lands of the traditional fey? And I realized we already have "monsters" in machines: gremlins, bugs, viruses, ect. And from that thought, the Iron fey were born.

As for knowing where I was going with the series, I did know how I wanted the "last" book, The Iron Queen, to end.  I did not, however, anticipate the fan's reactions to that ending, nor did I anticipate writing a fourth book, The Iron Knight, to finish Ash and Meghan's story.  And I didn't foresee returning to the world of The Iron Fey with the next series starring Ethan Chase.  So, I've sort of stopped trying to predict where things will go now, lol.  I'm just along for the ride.  ;-)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ali Prepares for Fandom Fest #2

I am so excited about this weekend... I know I've said this a million times already but I am.  Right this minute I am working on a flyer that will be at the Seventh Star Press Booth.  I also got some great cards made up as well.  I'm in that nervous but excited state of mind right now.  This is my first Con and I am so Thankful to Stephen Zimmer for allowing me to be on the panels and be part of the Con!!! 

(Pic of my new Cards front and back) 

So what do you think? If anyone of you are going to Fandom Fest or have been to a Con what have you done to prepare???

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Books we PINE for, BUY & DON'T Read (1)

Hey everyone, I'm so excited about this post, its a post I'm going to start doing.  Its called The Books We Pine For, Buy, and Don't Read.  Loretta at Between the Pages is the creator of this and has allowed me to post it as well.  I love this idea of letting you all choose the book I read next month and it helps me get through those books that have been on my shelf for a while. 

So, below you will find a vid about each of these books and then a form for you to choose what I will read in July!!! 

(Form Closed)

This form will close June 30th and I will post about the book that was chosen on July 2nd!!! 

Thanks for your help!!!

Mission: Supernova Chapter 6 and 7 Vid!!

Supernova by C.L Parker

So today I am posting about chapters 6 and 7, but today's post is a bit special.  I did a video for these two chapters.  So check this out and let me know what you think of these two amazing chapters!!! 


If you would like to buy Supernova please click the link below:

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ali Talks Live with Stephen Zimmer

Tonight's Ali Talks Live was freaking amazing.  I had a blast chatting with Stephen Zimmer, the very talented author of The Fires In Eden Series.  Chatting about his new book Spirit of Fire, being an author, and all about Fandom Fest.  

If you missed the show tonight please check out the widget below and listen to this great one!!! 

Chit Chat: Is Posting a DNF Unethical?

It is time for another Chit Chat here on Ali's Bookshelf.  Chit Chat is a discussion post created by me, Ali, where I chat with you about something that I think is important in the book blogging world or just in general.  Today's topic: Is Posting a DNF Post Unethical?

Definition of DNF: Did Not Finish!!!

What do you all think? Is is okay to post on your blog that you didn't like a book and that you couldn't get through it? Is it okay if a review book isn't for you, so you make a post up and tell why it wasn't for you? 

The way I see it is this, in my review policy, which is something I ask all authors to read before I agree to read their book, I state that I do post DNF's and It's my right to do so.  The reason this topic has come up is that I had an author go off on me and say I was unethical for posting a DNF post.  He goes on to say that I entered a "contract" with him when I said I would review his book to read it all.  Guess what, this is how I see it, I said I would review his book, I couldn't help it if I didn't like his book.  I'm not going to force myself to read a book that I can't get past chapter 2 without seeing all the details as the same as another book.  I blog for fun and forcing myself to read a book isn't my kind of fun, so I marked it DNF. 

This author goes on and on about how its the rule in book blogging reviewing that you finish the book.  I've seen a lot of DNF posts out there and I'm not everyone, I'm me and I post DNF posts. I didn't go off on this author, I stayed very professional at all times.  I finally did tell him what I thought of his book in detail because he asked over and over again.  Which is one of the reason's I'm also posting this post.

I'm not going to out the author here on my blog and I refuse to take down my DNF post! But I will say this, if there is anyone that would like this book, let me know and I will give my copy away.  I don't want this book on my shelf, because this man is not an author to me, he is a man that wrote a book and then went off on someone that told the truth! 

 So what is your take on this subject? Is it okay for authors to go off on us book bloggers? Do you post DNF's, if so has this happened to you, if not is this the reason why? I would love some input and your thoughts on this subject.   

Cover Reveal: Breaking Point by Kristen Simmons

I am so excited to show you all this new cover.  Kristen Simmons new cover for her upcoming release Breaking Point is so beautiful!!! I loved the cover of Article 5 and now this one is just as breath taking... See for yourself.

So what do you think of this amazing cover? 

I love the colors and the images are WOW!!! I can't wait to read this one. 

Ali Prepares for Fandom Fest: Interview with Angie Fox

I am so excited, this weekend is one that I have been waiting for a long time.  This upcoming weekend is Fandom Fest and I will be there!  I am on some panels and will get a chance to meet some amazing authors.  One being the Fabulous Angie Fox, who has agreed to be featured today on the blog today with a interview!!! 

Author Interview with Angie Fox

   What part of the writing process is easiest and the hardest for you?

The easiest is coming up with the idea. I have plenty of ideas. The hard part is getting an idea on paper and making it look like the one in my head (or at least close to what I’m envisioning). Like when I came up with the idea for the paranormal M*A*S*H unit in Immortally Yours, I knew exactly the kind of dramatic, yet offbeat and character-driven flavor I wanted. It was just a matter of coming up with the setting and the characters to make that come to life.

Before I even began to write, I mapped out the entire MASH camp, from the operating tent to the minefield (which is really the junk yard, only it’s so rigged with practical jokes that they call it “the minefield.”). Then it was a matter of adding to that world once the characters arrived and started coming up with their own ideas.


 As an author how do you feel about book reviews and their rating of the 3? How do you feel about authors going off on book reviews for their ratings?

As an author, I’m all for readers rating a book however they like. But I will tell you (and this is probably going to get me into trouble) but I’d rather have a 1 than a 3. To me, a one – or even better, a five star review – shows me that a reader was moved by my work. For better or worse, they had strong feelings. And really, that’s the ultimate goal of a writer – to move the reader so a reader is thinking of a book long after they put it down. So by that theory, a three is more of a “meh” and it means I didn’t do my job.

    Do you remember the first book that kept you up reading all night and if so what was it?

Yes. Anne Rice’s vampire series. I was in college and living with a half dozen roommates. Between them, they had the entire Interview with the Vampire series and talked me into reading them. I didn’t go to class for a week. I didn’t sleep much. I just read the series straight through. And I loved it. Who knew that was good career preparation?

      Are you an outliner or a fly by the pantser kind of author? Do you know where your taking each book before you write it?

It’s a very organic process for me. I have a basic outline, but I find the story flows better if I just let go and write what entertains me. I figure if I’m having a great time with it, my readers will too.

For example, when I sat down to write A Tale of Two Demon Slayers, I knew that Lizzie’s pet dog Pirate was going to have fun – he always does. And he’s a blast to write, because (thanks to Lizzie’s powers) he can talk. But I didn’t know just what kind of trouble Pirate was going to get himself into.

Well, it turns out he finds a dragon egg. The thing hatches and he decides he has a pet. It made me smile to think of a pet owning a pet. Lizzie is not happy about that. She has enough going on and doesn’t think her dog needs to own a pet. 

So she tells Pirate to find a new home for Flappy the dragon (Pirate named him, not Lizzie). So Lizzie is battling evil minions and losing track of what Pirate is doing. He keeps promising to find a new home for the dragon, but instead Pirate is hiding the dragon, and loving the dragon and teaching him tricks. Every time Lizzie realizes the dragon is still there, it’s gotten bigger and bigger and, well, it’s just one more thing she can’t quite control. 

    As an author, what is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten and what piece of advice would you give aspiring authors?

Make the story big. I had an agent tell me that if I wanted to sell, my characters had to take bigger chances, have more to risk and lose. It’s easy to say, but a hard thing for a writer to do. It’s a vulnerable, risky place to be. I knew my first book was big enough when instead of ending my writing sessions thinking, “I hope that’s good enough to impress an editor.” I ended them thinking, “No. I didn’t not just write that. I did not just make my character defend herself with a toilet brush and a can of Purple Prairie Clover air freshener.”

       What are you most looking forward to in regards to Fandom Fest?

You mean after I geek out in front of Norman Reedus and John Rhys Davies? I’m looking forward to the programming and the people. I’ve never been to Fandom Fest, but I love movie/gaming/comic book/fantasy cons. And this is one of the best!

I hope you enjoyed this great Author Interview, I'm so excited to get to meet Angie Fox this upcoming weekend.  You should also check out some of her other books as well: 

It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Journey!

This is a great post where I share what books I read last week and what books I'm going to read this week! So lets get started, shall we? 

Last Week I Read:

(Still reading Supernova by C.L. Parker for the read along.) 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Two Signings in One Week Equals One Awesome Week!

From the title I would say you defiantly know what this post is about.  *snicker* I had an amazing week this week.  Two book signings with two amazing authors and I got some amazing swag. 

Review: The Stolen Kingdom by Ross Rosenfeld

Review: The Stolen Kingdom by Ross Rosenfeld

IN A GLANCE: I was totally disappointed in this book!

 Title: The Stolen Kingdom
Author: Ross Rosenfeld
Publisher: Fun Books
Format: Paperback
Pages: 378 Pages
ISBN #: 9780615581
(Given to me by the author)

A fantastic epic for kids or anyone who simply loves a great adventure. This is the world's funkiest fairy tale, with great heroes, terrible villains, and unforgettable characters. It's fast, fun, and incredibly entertaining. You'll ride with Taylor James and Robert of Roth as they attempt to defeat the evil Dark Duke. Along the way, you'll have to survive the dangers of Cheshire Woods, battle brutes and monsters, and overcome incredible odds. This unique book will make you laugh and keep you on the edge of your seat. You'll never have more fun reading. If you like stories such as "The Princess Bride," King Arthur, or Lord of the Rings, you'll thoroughly enjoy this engaging tale.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Review: Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James

Review: Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James

IN A GLANCE: Hot, Scrumptious, Sexy!!!

Title: Fifty Shades Darker
Author: E.L. James
Publisher: Vintage
Pages: 532 pages
Format: Paperback
ISBN #: 978-0-345-80349-8
Buy This: Amazon

Daunted by the singular sexual tastes and dark secrets of the beautiful, tormented young entrepreneur Christian Grey, Anastasia Steele has broken off their relationship to start a new career with a Seattle publishing house.

But desire for Christian still dominates her every waking thought, and when he proposes a new arrangement, Anastasia cannot resist. They rekindle their searing sensual affair, and Anastasia learns more about the harrowing past of her damaged, driven and demanding Fifty Shades.

While Christian wrestles with his inner demons, Anastasia must confront the anger and envy of the women who came before her, and make the most important decision of her life.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mission: Supernova chapter 5

*Spoiler Alert and Warning: These posts are going to contain quotes from the book and if you haven't read or aren't reading along right now, I suggest you not read any further.  If you do you are reading at your own risk.  Fair Warning, plus there is some language in this post so it's not for the youngins!!* 

Seriously, C.L. Parker you are killing me with all this sexual tension in this chapter, just saying lol.  But you know me I love it! 

Last night, I read chapter 5 and ooo la la... I'm not sure if it was the bacon grease on him in the kitchen or him in the kitchen cooking with his shirt off that had me all hot, but damn either way it was an amazing part of this chapter.  

It might have been the scene where he almost um well....

All the signs were there. He was going to kiss her. His lips barely brushed against hers, and she sucked in a stuttering breath in anticipation of the contact she desired.

Um...yummy!!! I really enjoyed this chapter a lot besides the hotness we get to learn more about the connection between Kerrigan and Dominic and we get to lean more about the Light!

All in all this is a great chapter packed with hotness, information and a little pinch of a Ghost!

So my question for C.L. Parker today would have to be about the Mustard Remedy is that made up or does it really work? 

OMG...New Cover!!!!

Okay I'm seriously screaming and jumping up and down right now! I just saw the new cover to the next book in the Everneath series, it is breathtaking just like the first cover.  I just had to share it with all of you.  

I am so excited about this book!!! Can you tell? lol Isn't that cover just divine!!! I love the colors and the swirls and omg its just amazing!

So what do you think???

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mission: Supernova by C.L. Parker Chapter 4

*Spoiler Alert and Warning: These posts are going to contain quotes from the book and if you haven't read or aren't reading along right now, I suggest you not read any further.  If you do you are reading at your own risk.  Fair Warning, plus there is some language in this post so it's not for the youngins!!* 

Alright so lets chat about chapter 4...

This chapter is more in Dominic's point of view and we get a chance to know more about his back store, which is something I love to learn about when I'm reading a book.  I love getting to know the characters that I'm reading about.  

His back story is a lot to take in I must say.  Its pretty sketchy and I feel so bad for him and what he actually had to do to take care of his little brother.   

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sittin on the Shelf: The Mongnolia League

Title: The Magnolia League
Author: Katie Crouch
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Published Date:  May 3rd 2011
Pages: 348 pages
Find this Book: Amazon

When her free-spirited mother dies in a tragic accident, sixteen-year-old Alexandria Lee is forced to leave her West Coast home and move in with a wealthy grandmother she's never known in Savannah, Georgia. By birth, Alex is a rightful if unwilling member of the Magnolia League-Savannah's long-standing debutante society. But white gloves and silk gowns are a far cry from the vintage t-shirts and torn jeans shorts she's used to.

Alex is the first in decades to question the Magnolia League's intentions, yet even she becomes entangled in their seductive world. The members enjoy youth, beauty and power...but at what cost? As Alex discovers a pact between the Magnolias and the Buzzards, a legendary hoodoo family, she discovers secrets-some deadly-hidden beneath the glossy Southern veneer.

New York Times bestselling author Katie Crouch's poignant and humorous voice shines in this enchanting and mysterious story about girls growing up in a magical Southern city.

Why I haven't read it yet!

This is one of those books I got when Borders went under and I bought it pretty cheap.  I had planned to read it, but never really got to it, so its been sitting on my shelf and taunting me.  I love this cover and can't wait to read the story behind it.

What I plan on doing!

I am planning on reading The Magnolia League next week, I have two other books I have to read first though, so I'm hoping I can get to it!

What do you think about my plan?

So what do you think about what I plan on doing? Should I put the other two books I plan on reading on hold or I wait? Do you all like this cover as much as I do?

Let me know what you think!

(When I update this post, there will be a review and the dates I read this amazing book!!! This post was inspired by My Reading Pile blog, but it will be different in this way!!! )

Sittin on the Shelf

This is a new feature here on Ali's Bookshelf again I was inspired by the amazing blogger over at My Reading Pile! I love her blog and love the way she blogs about the books that have been sitting in her pile for awhile.  So what I plan on doing is finally getting to those books that have been sitting on my shelf for a long time.  This is where I will feature it and tell you exactly why it set there so long and when I plan to read it.  I will also be updating the post when I read it and give a short review on the book as well.  That's where my posts will differ from hers! 

So I hope you like this idea and are ready to see some books that have been Sittin On my Shelf!!!

My Mission: Supernova chapter 3!

*Spoiler Alert and Warning: These posts are going to contain quotes from the book and if you haven't read or aren't reading along right now, I suggest you not read any further.  If you do you are reading at your own risk.  Fair Warning, plus there is some language in this post so it's not for the youngins!!*

So lets discuss chapters 3? I must say right off the bad OMG!!!

Let's start with Chapter 3... What did you all think of this chapter? Were you surprised by anything? Did you want to rip anyone's head off? Because I know I defiantly did.

I really enjoyed chapter 3 mainly because we get to hear more funny things from Gabe and of course we get to meet a new character in this chapter.  I must say right now! WOW, C.L. Parker where in the world can I get me a Dominic? Seriously I want to know because the way I'm picturing this man is delicious!

The man was tall with thick, black hair that was cut neatly and looked soft to touch. Tanned skin was covered by some sort of tribal tattoo that peeked from under the collar of his black T-shirt and extended up the length of his neck to lick at his hairline. Chapter 3

Like I said Delicious! I love how she looks him up and down, I mean who wouldn't right? I know I would have. lol!

It's Monday...What are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Journey!

This is a great post where I share what books I read last week and what books I'm going to read this week! So lets get started, shall we? 

Last Week I Read: 
I started Supernova by C.L Parker 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Ali!!

Yep that's right its my birthday and I am posting today to tell you that I wont be posting anything lol.  I am spending the day with my kids and family! I hope you all have a great day and read an amazing book.  

Tomorrow I will be back to regular posting and that means another Mission: Supernova post and my regular Monday posts.  Also this week I will be reviewing the following books...


and a few others, make sure you are around this week for those!!! :) 

Happy Reading!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Chapter 1 and 2 of Supernova!!!

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 review!!!

Alright its time to chat about chapter one and two with you all.  I hope you all have either read Supernova or are reading with me, if not what are you waiting for? 

So anyway, lets talk chapter 1, shall we?  What did you all think about the characters introduction in this story.  I must say I loved it! I love the dreams and I am in love with Gabe!!!  I really wish I had a friend like him.  

The dreams that  Kerrigan had in the beginning about her grandmother and the ravens was so fascinating and I really can't wait to read more about the connection between her and her grandmother!  I'm also dying to understand about the man her grandmother was talking about and the light.  Very excited!!!

By chapter 2 I was so intrigued by the dream and what her grandmother was trying to tell her that I couldn't wait to read more of the story.  Chapter 2 though I wanted to scream at Kerrigan to punch her boyfriend.  Seriously I like Gabe's idea of what to do to him.  

I have always loved the way C.L. Parker writes and tells her stories, but this one has me totally engrossed in the pages!  I can't wait to read the chapters tonight so I can share more about this book with all of you.  

Also remember you can ask C.L. Parker anything in your comments below.  She has agreed to answer your questions.  YAY! I already have one for her today and I can't wait to read her answer. 

Where did your idea for Gabe come from? I love his character so much and always wanted to know where he came from.  Do you have a picture of what he would really look like in real life?

So what did you all think of chapters 1 and 2?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Mission: Supernova by C.L. Parker

My Mission: To Read and Post about Supernova every day until I am finished with the book!

Alright, I have decided to share with you all my new mission! I am going to showcase a book this month called Supernova by C.L. Parker.  When I say showcase I mean really showcase it.

Here is the plan, everyday I will be reading one or two chapters of this amazing book and the next day I will share my thoughts on the chapters I've read.  I hope any of you that have read it will share your thoughts with me and let me know what you liked or disliked (if there is anything) about Supernova.  I want all the little dirty dets.

So here's how the posts will go: Every day around 1 PM EST I will be posting a post about the chapters I've read.  Sometimes it will only be one chapter, sometimes more depends on how my day goes.  This is my mission this month and I have already accepted it.

Now if you haven't read this book, please grab you a copy and read it with me! I would love some readers to join in and tell me what they are thinking as they are reading. 

So what do you all think? Will you accept the mission with me? 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Review: Poseidon's Children by Michael West

Review: Poseidon's Children by Michael West

IN A GLANCE: Poseidon's Children by Michael West is a great mixture of Fantasy and Horror

Title: Poseidon's Children
Author: Michael West
Publisher: Seventh Star Press
Series: The Legacy of The Gods #1
Format: Paperback (Provided by the publisher)
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Man no longer worships the old gods; forgotten and forsaken, they have become nothing more than myth and legend. But all that is about to change.

After the ruins of a vast, ancient civilization are discovered on the ocean floor, Coast Guard officers find a series of derelict ships drifting in the current—high-priced yachts and leaking fishing boats, all ransacked, splattered in blood, their crews missing and presumed dead.

And that’s just the beginning.

Vacationing artist Larry Neuhaus has just witnessed a gruesome shark attack, a young couple torn apart right before his eyes….at least, he thinks it was a shark. And when one of these victims turns out to be the only son of Roger Hays, the most powerful man in the country, things go from bad to worse.

Now, to stop the carnage, Larry and his new-found friends must work together to unravel a mystery as old as time, and face an enemy as dark as the ocean depths.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mini Me Corner Review: Millie The Octopus Learns to Surf by Jack Makhlouf

Today, we will be doing a review a little bit differently.  Instead of a vid Samantha wrote down what she thought and liked and gave her rating of this great little book.  She also drew her own picture as well.  At the end of this post, you will find my thoughts of this cute little book and my rating as well.  


In this action-packed adventure story, Millie the Octopus learns to surf the Hawaiian waves. After dreaming up her wish to surf, Millie sees a boy surfing the waves in the distance. Millie is positive that she can learn to surf, too!

Ali Talks Live with J.D. Watts

I am so excited to share this with all of you.  This past Monday I had the huge pleasure of having the stupendous author, J.D. Watts on the show.  She was so funny and great to talk to.  Thanks to her and to everyone else that showed up to comment and chat with us.  It was a great time getting to know her and her writing process a little more.  

So, below you will find the widget where you can listen to the show and make sure you leave some love for this amazing author below in the comments.  If you want to you could even leave her a question and I will make sure she gets it.  Also below you will find her bio and the places to get her books.  


Author Bio

JD Watts  insists that her love of Young Adult fiction stems from being a teen at heart. Since winning the 2010 TWCS Original Fiction Contest, JD has written two YA Paranormal Romance novels in the Children of Creation series: Convergence and Induction. The final installment, Maelstrom, is due to release in August 2012.

When not writing, JD is a busy mom who likes spending time with her friends and her mom, as well as taking the occasional cake-decorating class.

JD lives in Central, Illinois with her husband and two children. Her great love of the city is apparent in her writing.

Buy her books: TWCS Pub, Amazon

Thanks again J.D. Watts for coming on the show and chatting with me. 

Guest Post: Handing Over the World Building to the Characters with Alyssa Rose Ivy

Today I am so excited to share a guest post with you from Alyssa Rose Ivy.  The amazing and very talented author of The Afterglow Trilogy.  She is with us today sharing her world building experiences!  I want to thank Alyssa Rose Ivy for being with us today and for sharing this post with us. 

Handing Over the World Building to the Characters

I like people building more than world building. Yeah, I know that probably isn’t what you expect to hear from a fantasy writer, but it’s true.  All of my stories start with the characters, and it’s through them that I begin to develop the world. Energo, the hidden world in the Afterglow Trilogy, developed out of the relationship between Charlotte and Calvin.  As I explored the relationship, the backdrop naturally fell into place. From Calvin’s home in Rawlins to the capital city of Bellgard, I developed each location in Energo in response to the character’s needs and motivations.  Of course the characters can’t do it all. Eventually my focus shifts from the characters to all of the small details that really bring a fantasy world alive.

Am I the only one who lets the characters build the world?

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