From the title I would say you defiantly know what this post is about. *snicker* I had an amazing week this week. Two book signings with two amazing authors and I got some amazing swag.
First off I want to Thanks Joseph Beth Bookstores for having amazing book signings and amazing people that work for you that really know their stuff. Now let's chat about the book signing and I've got tons of pics to share with you also.
On Wed the 20th I got to go over to Joseph Beth Bookstore in Crestview Hills and meet Vicki Pettersson. She was Hilarious. Seriously, I've never come out of a book signing and my side hurting so much from laughing so hard. It was great. She read some of her new book The Taker and I loved getting to know how she thought her characters would sound.
Now when I went in there I asked for the Banner above her head in the pic above and the guy at Joseph Beth said sure, but after I got seated he came over and gave me this....
It is a foam poster board with the amazing cover of the book. I love it and thank them so much for it. I of course got Vicki Pettersson to sign it for me and its going on my wall in my bedroom. She also signed my book and gave me some little postcards signed to giveaway on the blog. (Which I will at the bottom of this post! ) So Wednesday turned out to be amazing.
Then Friday night, thanks to my amazing boyfriend, I got to go down to Lexington KY, and meet the amazing and very talented Stephen Zimmer! I was so excited about meeting him at Fandom Fest but this was great getting to meet him ahead of time.
I of course got my books signed and he gave me some really cool swag as well. But first lets talk about the signing itself. He was amazing and seriously the Monster Energy Drink company needs to sponsor him or something. The man loves Monster!!!
He took the time to answer questions and I of course asked what was the best advice he has gotten as an author and his answer.... was to read, but don't copy! I loved his answer to this question. Also I must say he is an amazing name dropper!!! *snicker* Also I got two amazing books signed by him as well!
Thanks Stephen for everything you said about me and my blog and for the Swag as well, I can't wait to hang it up in my house!!
Aren't they beautiful! I love them!!!
Then he gave me two amazing posters as well, yeah they are going up in my house as well...
Thanks again, Stephen for these they are so AMAZING!!! I love all the artwork that goes with all of the Seventh Star Press books, if you haven't checked them out its a must! The artist is Fantastic!!!
Alright so that's what I've been up to this week, meeting wonderful authors!!! It's been one terrific Week for me and Thanks so much to Josh for taking me to Lexington!!!
Now who would like to win something? lol Below you will find a rafflecopter and you can enter to win one of two postcards of The Taker signed by Vicki Pettersson!!! This giveaway is for US residents only, for other rules check out my giveaway policy!
Now who would like to win something? lol Below you will find a rafflecopter and you can enter to win one of two postcards of The Taker signed by Vicki Pettersson!!! This giveaway is for US residents only, for other rules check out my giveaway policy!
Jessica frellathon · 654 weeks ago
Amy · 654 weeks ago
Stephen Zimmer · 654 weeks ago
Lona · 650 weeks ago
mandee wyrick · 649 weeks ago