Friday, June 8, 2012

Browsin Your Bookshelf with Jessica from Jess Resides Here

 I'm really excited to post this today! Browsin Your Bookshelf is a post where I get to showcase some other bloggers and what is on there bookshelf's. Today I have Jessica from Jess resides here

So Lets see what she has on her bookshelf!!!

When Ali asked me to guest post about the books on my shelf I thought well that's a great idea why didn't I think of it. Then I thought books my favorite subject I'll enjoy sharing about that. 

It's hard to know where to start, I as with any reader have a monster TBR pile okay mountain. I love when authors contact me asking for reviews and at the same time it freaks me out because I find it hard to say no and then that pile just keeps growing. In the beginning you are dying for authors asking you to read their books and then in time you have more than you know what to do with. A great problem to have I think. 

Instead of running through my whole wait list I'll go over the ones I need to get to soonest. 

I am about to pick up as I write this Poseidon's Children by Michael West. He's a Seventh Star Press author and they are a great publishing company. I've been sent many wonderful books to review and can't praise them enough for the kindness I have been shown. Poseidon is one that I have been eager to get to. Horror I must say is my favorite genre and Michael enjoys horror the way most people enjoy chocolate. Embraced whole hearted. 

Once I am done with Poseidon I will move on to another book or two actually sent by an author who I met on facebook via a book blogger friend. Natasha Troop sent me not one but two books Lakesbridge Summer and Lakesbridge Spring, there will be an Autumn and Winter one as well as part of the Lakesbridge Cycle a supernatural mystery series. With the books she kindly sent me Woobies  great cookies that she makes. My favorites are the ones with filling mmmmmm 

Those really are the perks of being a book blogger not only do you get books to read, plus lovely thank you notes and shout outs on their web sites but authors send you lovely gifts like tasty cookies. Fantastic stuff. 

I will then move back to another Seventh Star Press author and read Sela by Jackie Gamber. Jackie's books are very special to me as her first book in the Leland Dragon series Redheart was the first book that I was asked to read by a publisher. A very special spot in my heart and Sela the sequel just makes me fell excited all over again. It was released recently a fantasy YA tale with dragons. 

After Jackie's book I plan on reading High Steaks by Rob Loughran he is an author who's short story I had initially read and that turned me into a big fan. Rob writes so well and is just plain fun. Books are entertainment I think a lot of people forget that. Rob knows it and expresses that in his books. High Steaks is an award winning mystery novel and is the only one of his I have yet to read. 

I have many others I need to get to I have Blue Haunting by R.J. Sullivan on my kindle that will be the next eread. Beyond that it's a long list that I could go on about for another year but I think Ali may want her blog back suffice it to say the book list is always long and there is never enough time for all the books I want to get to.

Thanks so much Jessica for guest blogging for me today and for showing my readers what is on your TBR shelf.  I hope you all enjoyed this post and will check out Jessica's Blog. 

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Thanks for having me on it was fun :)
Hi Jessica: Is there anything on your bookshelf that you've ever felt "why do I have to read this?"

Great post - sounds Jess has a lot of great books in her lineup to go with her cookies :)

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