Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dystopian Week Blog Tour 2014 Sign Up!

We are super excited to be bringing this back again, we hope you are as excited as we are.  This year, Seeing Night Reviews and Ali's Bookshelf (Myself) will be doing a few things different. Each blog will host a specific post about dystopian themed topics or challenge they’d like their readers to do to enter their giveaways. Also this year, we are including something a bit different, an extra daily mission that bloggers can post on their blogs.  They will be mini challenges and there will be another giveaway for you to enter if you do these challenges as well.

Dystopian Week Blog Tour
Week November 10th - 14th 

So as of right now we are looking for those amazing bloggers who would like to be a stop on this great tour.  Each stop has to be based on a Dystopian genre book and must include some kind of giveaway.  To see an example: CLICK HERE!


  • You must think of your discussion theme or challenge you would like on your own. I will add you to the list once I receive the form.
  • Example: Themes should discuss something about specific dystopian novels, characters, worlds that have been created, anything dystopian related.
  • Example: word scrabble, tower challenge (Already being done),  anything that the blogger would have a blast in challenging the readers.
  • Giveaways should be of a dystopian novel of either the bloggers topic or any dystopian novel of their choice.
  • Giveaways can be books or book related items

Also we have two great buttons this year, please share this one so everyone can see.  If you are participating in the tour or just want to do the challenges. We would love to see the buttons on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

Dystopian Week 2014 Tour
<div align="center"><a href=" week 2014" title="Dystopian Week" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Dystopian Week 2014" style="border:none;" /></a></div> 

Dystopian Week 2014 Tour
<div align="center"><a href=" week 2014" title="Dystopian Week" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Dystopian Week 2014" style="border:none;" /></a></div> 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Anabel Divided Blog Tour: Guest Post and Giveaway

Today we have a great author with us to share a guest post with a fantastic topic. So let's get to it right away, then I'll tell you about her book a bit and where you can get your own copy. 

Thank you so much to Ali for hosting me today! I am so excited to be here.

The moment I heard her voice on the phone I knew—I knew—that it wasn’t good news. “Hi, buddy,” my best friend began, and I heard the note of apprehension in her voice.

“You want me to rewrite it again, don’t you?” I asked, not bothering to conceal my frustration.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I wouldn’t make you do it if I didn’t think it was necessary, but honey, I know you can do better.”

That was on rewrite #3 of a crucial scene in my second novel, ANABEL DIVIDED. I finally got her approval in rewrite #4. And I only hated her slightly.

I am fortunate that I have a best friend who is also rather blunt and will tell me when my writing isn’t up to par. She expects the best of me, and if I don’t deliver, she lets me have it. I have found that as I write more and more, I need more peer reviews because different people notice different things. Even before I hand my completed manuscript over to my editor, I definitely want grammar/content mistakes pointed out to me. I also want to hear the criticisms while I have a chance to rewrite a story—because if people who know you notice something’s wrong, then the Internet is always happy to criticize.

So how do you find a good Critique Buddy?  Here’s how I found some of mine:

1.      Twitter. I know, I know, it probably sounds obvious, but Twitter is how everything happened for me. It’s how I met a fellow author who introduced me to my publisher. But it didn’t happen overnight—I had to spend time networking and tweeting and “meeting” people before I settled into a circle of writer friends. Each of them brings something different to the table, and their input is invaluable.
2.      Facebook. There are so many writer’s groups on Facebook, and it’s sometimes hard to navigate which ones are just venues of self-promotion and which ones are valuable, but there are a few good ones out there with people who are searching for someone to give them feedback.
3.      Local libraries.  I live in Northern Virginia, and there is a local writer’s group that meets at the library once a month. For an introvert like me, going to something like this is generally my worst nightmare, but sometimes putting yourself out there in that way can give you a fresh perspective on your manuscript.

Above all, when you find a critique partner, you want someone who is willing to give you honest feedback and tell it to you straight. Because sometimes, some scenes in your book are going to be so important that they have to be written again. And again. And AGAIN. Until they meet expectations.

Anabel Martin thought that the resolution of her father's murder would bring a resolution to her problems. After all, she was starting life over in a new place, with new friends, and new adventures, focusing on attending college and raising her daughter free from the distractions of Washington, DC. She was ready to move on. But a trip back to the District for Meghan's wedding stirs up old feelings and brings new life to old relationships. Matt is cold and distant, while Jared is caring and attentive. A woman from Matt's past, a bold public flirtation, and Anabel's desire to be truly loved lead her to a crossroads...and her final decision leaves her with more questions than answers.

Amanda Romine Lynch is a writer, editor, and blogger who grew up in Florida knowing she belonged somewhere else. She now lives in the DC Metro Area with her husband and three amazing little boys. She is the Eco-Friendly/Green Living Contributor over at the Prime Parents’ Club and strives to live earth friendly in a world of disposable diapers. When not writing about Anabel and Jared or chasing around a curly-haired boy, she cheers for the Gators (in all kinds of weather) and occasionally remembers to sleep.

Giveaway: 3 prizes
2 signed paperbacks of Anabel Unraveled (US only)
1 $25 Amazon gift card (international)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-A-Thon Opening Meme

I'm so behind on reading, but I'm here and getting ready to start now! The first thing I want to do is the beginning meme so here we go. 

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? 

I'm reading from Kentucky! 

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

The first one I'm reading is the one that I'm dying to read.  Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?

My Milk Chocolate Milano cookies.

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

I'm a mother of two and they are going to be home while I participate in this read-a-thon so we shall see how much I actually get done. 

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

This is my first year doing this Read-a-thon so I guess the thing I'm most looking forward to is trying to get some of my reading done, I'm really behind on my tbr list for the year!  

Day 17 and 18 of the #30DayBookChallenge

So I missed posting yesterday's image so I'm posting it with today's.  Day 17 and 18 were fun images to take and I'm happy to share them with you.  One of my answers though shouldn't surprise you at all. I've talked about it enough for you all to know.

Day 17: Your favorite quote from your favorite book (This was hard to pick from because I have so many favorite books and quotes.)

Day 18: A Book That Disappointed You! (This is the one that shouldn't surprise you)

Does anyone know what book the quote is from on Day 17? 

Friday, October 17, 2014

#WWReadathon Starts Today!

The Wonderfully Wicked Read-a-Thon starts today! I love reading during a read-a-thon mainly because of how much reading I actually do during them.  It's a great way for me to get caught up.  So below you will find what I plan on reading during this read-a-thon and a few extra's so I have some wiggle room on what I read.

What I Plan To Read: 

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning (Currently Reading)
Trial By Fire by Josephine Angelini 
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
The Brokenhearted by Amelia Kahaney

A Few Extra: 

These are the just in case books that I might read, depending on what happens!

Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout 
Being Sloane Jacobs by Lauren Morrill

I will be posting a post every day on my status and what I've completed.  I hope you all have a great day! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Take a Break Watch A Vid Special Edition

Today I have a special edition of my Take a Break Watch This Vid post.  The book trailer I'm going to be sharing with you today is one that was released today.  Enjoy. 

I'm super excited to share this book trailer with you and to tell you about this book as well. I haven't read it but it sounds amazing and I will be reading it as soon as I can get my hands on it.

Invisible Wings by Janell Rhiannon
Publication date: January 8th 2014
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult
Authors WebsiteGoodreadsBuy This
Life seldom unfolds the way you expect. Despite our best efforts, it can wind up in a tangled mess. We lose hope. Faith fades. And then suddenly, in the midst of despair, a door opens, an answer is given, or a new path is cleared because we’re not alone…sometimes angels walk among us. Arabella’s mother already thinks she’s a little crazy, so when a mysterious Presence fills her with a blinding light, she keeps it to herself. She’s given a heartbreaking mission. She spends her days among her fellow classmates, listening to their secret prayers and waiting for the moment of intervention. Arabella understands that life is messy, complicated, and beautiful. The way she guides her fellow classmates will ultimately surprise you. Love emerges from the mess. Hope emerges from the chaos. Faith emerges from the strength to endure. 12 destinies 12 twilights 12 lives that will never be the same

Janell has been writing since she was in grade school. In high school, her 9th grade English teacher suggested she consider a career in writing. After a decade in college and a Master's degree in history, she settled into teaching. Writing never stopped. Stories never stopped. READING fiction never stopped. Now, she writes and publishes on-line. Invisible Wings is her first YA novel, a compilation of short stories centered on teenage life triumphs and tragedies. She believes being a teenager is difficult and wrote Invisible Wings to let teens know they aren't alone. That they matter. That even though life is rough, they can still find beauty and love. Beside the YA stories close to her heart, she adores Mythology and Fairy tales. Anything magical and mystical. And dragons. And gargoyles. She currently lives in CA. Visit her at Facebook @Janell Rhiannon Author. If you want to see what projects are in the works or find out more about the her, visit

I loved this book trailer, what did you all think? Did you like it as much as I did and if so what did you like about it? 

(This post was part of a tour through Xpresso Book Tours, my opinions are my own and reflect my thoughts toward this book trailer.  Thanks to Xpresso Book Tour for letting me be part of this release and also a huge thanks to this author as well.)

Day 15 of #30DayBookChallenge

Day 15 wow, this month is going by so fast.  Today's topic was a hard one to decide which book I wanted to chose.  You will understand when you see the topic. 

Day 15: Favorite Male Character! (I mean come on I have so many! I can't just pick one.)

Yeah, like I said I couldn't only pick just one of my favorite men, I had to chose a bunch and this is just part of my list. 

  • Ian from The Host by Stephenie Meyer 
  • All of the Black Dagger Brotherhood guys, my favorite is Zsadist, but I love them all in my own way. 
  • Four from the Divergent series, of course he had to be on the list! 
  • Stephan from the Slave series by Sherri Hayes. (If you haven't read these books they are a must!)
  • Noah, oh my Noah from A Million Dirty Secrets by the amazing C.L. Parker.  LOVE HIM!  
  • Prince Maxon and Aspen both own my heart from the Selection series. 
  • Sam from Incarnate, I can't get enough of him. 
  • Jack from the Everneath series. 

I could keep going with this list all day, but I'm going to stop there for now. Which amazing male characters do you love? 


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day Zero Book Blitz and Giveaway

Today I have a great book blitz to share with you all, included in this awesome post is a giveaway and author Guest Post.  Enjoy! 

Title: Day Zero
Author: Summer Lane
Series: (The Zero Trilogy #1)  
Publication date: October 10th 2014
Genres: Dystopia, Young Adult

 Authors WebsiteGoodreadsBuy This
Synopsis: Elle is a survivor. Since the collapse of modern society, she's been living in the remains of downtown Hollywood, California, foraging for food and fighting for her life. And then everything changes. After she is forced out of her home, she heads north. What she finds is a group of bunker survivors, unlikely comrades, and the hope of a safe haven. Together, they journey toward the dregs of civilization, facing starvation, imprisonment and death. They are alone, but they are ready. Day Zero begins today. Day Zero is a novella, the first installment in The Zero Trilogy, a novella series complementing the international bestselling Collapse Series.

Summer Lane is the author of the international bestselling Collapse Series, which includes State of Emergency, State of Chaos, State of Rebellion and State of Pursuit. The fifth installment, State of Alliance, is releasing January 2015. Summer is also the author of The Zero Trilogy and an upcoming survivalist/science fantasy series coming in 2015. She owns WB Publishing, Writing Belle Magazine, and is an accomplished creative writing teacher and journalist. Summer lives in the Central Valley of California, where she spends her time writing, teaching, and writing some more. When she is not writing, she enjoys leisurely visits with friends at coffee shops, dates to the movies, hiking in the mountains and strolling on the beach.

The Names

Names are fun. One of the perks of writing fiction as a primary job is that you get to play around with lots of names. Names should represent the personality of a character, in my opinion, so I try to match my characters with appropriate monikers. In Day Zero, my protagonist’s name is Elle. It’s a somber, pretty name for a somber, pretty girl. (A girl with attitude, mind you, but still!)

My favorite names in Day Zero are Pix and Flash – twins, a brother and a sister. I don’t want to give away anything, but I played around with a lot of names before settling on those two. Thanks to the Internet, you can find names and their meanings far quicker than in the past. It’s better to use Google than to slog through those dusty piles of baby-name books in your mother’s attic.

Not that I’ve done that, but you get my point! Names should be memorable, and I also think that there should be a fair variety of different names in a book. For example, naming your characters James, John, Janice, Jenny and Jared is what I’d call “alliterative overkill.” Mix up the names! Make them fun, and most of all, make a character and their name instantly identifiable to the reader. 

This giveaway is international! YAY! Below is what is up for grabs. 

A pack of eBooks including:

  • Dead Girl Walking, by Ruth Silver 
  • Fractured Dream, by K.M. Randall 
  • Spirit Warriors: The Scarring by DEL Connor 
  • Eyes of the Enemy by Kelly Hess 
  • Jacob, King of Portalia by Casey Club 
  • Destiny Gift by Juliana Haygert 
  • Aftershock by Roberta Trahan 

  • Day 14 of #30DayBookChallenge

    Today is the 14th day of this great challenge and I loved today's topic again.  

    Day 14: Book Turned Movie that completely desecrated. (I took this to mean that the movie sucked and the book is fantastic.)

    I loved this book so much, but the movie was lacking some of my favorite parts of the series.

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