Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Ali Talks: 2018 Blog Goals

Today is the third day of the new year and I for one am very excited for the clean slate that a new year brings. That's why today I want to chat with you about my goals for this year here on the blog and my reading. I know I've done a few posts like this in the past couple weeks, but I wanted to have everything in one place so I can look back and see them easily as well as letting you know my goals as well. 

So today let's chat about goals! What are your goals for this year? Have you set any as far as reading goes. I have already set up my Goodreads goal for this year and decided to leave it at 50 again, even though I read over 70 books this past year, figured if I kept it lower I wouldn't feel any pressure. I've noticed a lot of readers doing that this year and I really latched onto the idea. 

Other than that goal, I usually don't set many for the blog and reading, but this year I've kind of changed that. I really wanted to get back to the love of reading and blogging. So I've set up some goals for me to try, yep I said try, to reach. I don't want to put a lot of pressure on these goals, but I want to try to reach them. Today starting one of these with this post, which is a great way to kick off the year if I say so myself. 

Goal 1: More discussion posts here on the blog. 

This is a goal I've had for a few years now and I'm starting to do better with it, but I want to do more. So I've set up a document with a bunch of topic's I've found and I'm just going to start marking each one of my list. Getting the whole year set up with discussion posts. (Hope you all like this idea)   Discussion posts always seem to grab my readers attention so I figured it would be a great way to get to chat with you all.

 Goal 2: Get my Netgalley percent up to 80

Now this is a goal that I really want to push hard to meet. I've been wanting to read more of the Netgally Arc's that I recieve and I'll be honest sometimes I tend to forget about them, mainly because they aren't right in my face. So I won a new Kindle at work (I work at Amazon) and I plan to really use it this year and get my percent to where it should be. The first year I joined Netgalley, I really didn't push myself the way I should have and I'm ready to change that right now.  

Goal 3: Read at least 20 books off my physical TBR shelf 

Once again this is a goal I usually have every year and every year I get close to it or I add so many books to my TBR that I tend to give up. I'm going to really try not to do this again this year. I have actually unhauled a bunch of books off my tbr shelf and I'm crossing my fingers that will help. 

Goal 4: Listen to at least one Audiobook a month

This goal shouldn't be too hard, I have over 30 audiobooks to choose from and most of them are ones that I'm dying to read. Though a few of them are daunting, (OUTLANDER 36 hours) but I'll get through it.   

Goal 5: Finish my challenges

So every year in the past, except for last year, I've joined challenges here on the blog and I have epically failed! So this year my main goal is to actually finish said challenges. Shouldn't be too hard because I mainly picked ones that go with each other. My challenges for this year can be found here

Now I have a few other small goals, but I figured let's stick with five for this post. What are your goals for this year? If you have a blog, what kind of goals have you set? Are you like me and have problems finishing challenges? Please let me know in the comments! Hope you have a great day and as always...


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