Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Top 10 Books I Want To Read In 2018

So today I wanted to share with you the top 10 books I realy want to get to in 2018. I know you're going to look at this post and say " but Ali I thought you weren't going to post any TBR's this year." I'm not, these are just a list of books that I would love to get to this year. It doesn't mean I'm actually going to read them, I'm going to do my best though because they are books I'm dying to read. I am cheating a little with one of the choices, mainly beacause it's a box set lol. (And as you're reading this I've already read two of the books in the set!) So without further ado, let's do this! 

These are in no certain order, but there is one on here that scares the crap out of me mainly because of it's size. It's the reason I haven't read it yet. You'll know exactly which one I'm talking about as soon as you see it! 

1. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black - I just got this book and I can't wait to read it! More than likely I'm going to read in it Feburary! That's exactly how excited I am about it. I just hope it exceeds the hype. 

2. A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab - Now I have read this one before, but I want to finish the series so I'm going to be doing a re-read of this one so I can get back into the world and remember all the different London's!  

3. The Giver Quartet by Lois Lowry - Okay this is the book/books I'm cheating with on this list. I've already read The Giver and Gathering Blue this month and I'm going to try to finish The Messenger by the end of Jan. That's the reason I'm counting this as one! I love this series so far but I really need to know how it's all going to connect!  

4. The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon - This book series has me so intregued!  I can't wait to start this one, but it's rather large. (not the one that I was talking about earlier) I hope to be able to tackle this one this year, plus I already have the second book in the series waiting as well. 

5. Everless by Sara Holland - Now this book has had me going crazy over the cover and the plot since I first heard about it. I got my copy from Amazon the other day and I want to dive right in so bad. I'm just worried about the hype. So I might wait a few months till the hype dies down a bit before I start it. Though it sounds amazing! 

6. Half Bad by Sally Green - Now this series has been on my shelf for awhile now and I think it's time to finally read it. Everyone keeps telling me to pick it up, so it's time. I've honestly heard nothing but great stuff about this book. 

7. And I Darken by Kiersten White - Another book that's been on my shelf since last year and I really really want to get to it this year. I love this authors writing style and I can't wait to dive right in.  I don't even have a good reason why I haven't read this one yet, I even have the next book in the saga!

8. Red Rising by Pierce Brown - Again I have heard nothing but amazing things about this book and I have no reason for why I haven't read it yet. I think it's time to pick this one up right away!  

9. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - Yep you guessed it, this is the one that scares the crap out of me because of it's sheer size. Have you seen how many pages are in this book? 850 Pages! I have it on audio as well and it's over 32 hours long. I will get to this book this year though. This is one of my goals, I love this show so much, I just know I'm going to love the book even more. 

10. Snow like Ashes by Sara Raasch - I have this whole series just sitting on my shelf and I want to get to the whole series this year, but if I can't I want to at least start it. This is another series I can't wait to jump into. 

Like I said above, this isn't really a TBR post, it's just a list of books that I would really love to get to this year. The main goal this year is to bring the joy back into reading for me and if I get to these then that's awesome, if not then there is always next year. Though some of these I know I will read! 

Have you read any of these books? What are your thoughts and what are a few books that you're dying to read this year? Let me know in the comments below. 

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