Monday, January 1, 2018

Blog Tour Author Interview with Amanda Hocking

Today I get the pleasure to showcase author Amanda Hocking's new book for her blog tour. I was super excited to be picked to be part of the tour and couldn't wait to read the book. Of course I knew I would love it, but we will talk about that later when I post my review today!  Right now, I have an interview to share with you.

Q: What or who was the inspiration behind Between the Blade 
and the Heart
A: I have already written several books inspired by 
Scandinavian folklore, and I was always fascinated by Valkyries. 
But because I had already done in Scandinavian fantasy,
I wanted to come at this one from a different angle.I imagined 
the Valkyries helping to police a gritty, diverse, cyberpunk metropolis,
 in a world filled with not just Norse figures but from many

Q: What are the life lessons that you want readers to glean 
from your book? 
A: That love is a strength, not a weakness.

Q: If you were given the chance to go on a date with one of 
your characters, who would you choose and what would 
you do together? 
A: Oona. She doesn’t swing that way, but since I’m married 
anyway, it would be a friendship date. I think it would be 
fun to go to an apothecary with her and have her show me 
around the magic. Or maybe just veg out and watch bad movies.

Q: Would the essence of your novel change if the main 
protagonist were male?
A: Yes, it would be changed dramatically. For one, Valkyries 
are women. But I also think the book explores the relationships 
between mothers and daughters, and friendships between 
young women.

Q: What is your definition of true love in YA literature? 
A: There has to be passion and desire – not necessarily anything 
physical, but so much of young love is about yearning. 
But I also think that true love is based on mutual respect and 

Q: What advice would you give to someone who wanted
 to be an author/start writing?
A: My biggest piece of advice is to just write. It’s so easy 
to get caught up in self-doubt or procrastination. There 
are lot of great books and blogs about the art of writing, 
but the most important thing is really to just do it. The best 
way to get better at writing is by doing it.

Q: What’s one book you would have no trouble rereading
 for the rest of your life?
A: It would be a toss up between Maniac Magee by Jerry 
Spinelli and Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. I’ve read both 
of those books a dozen times already, at least, and I never get 
sick of them.

I am so thankful that Amanda Hocking wrote this book and her publishing company let me be part of this tour. Thanks for taking the time out to answer these questions as well. Hope you all have a great Monday and Happy New Year!

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